Saturday, December 31, 2016

The Mini Amazon of Malaysia - Kampung Beng (Peacock Bass Fishing)


A team of 5 anglers headed out to Kampung Beng in Perak to try our hands at Wild Peacock Bass, instead, we got much more than we bargained for. We hope through this video, the fun, love & pristine nature we experienced in Kampung Beng comes through. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

Learn some Basic Guides on Bass Fishing

As you spend more and more hours and days on bass fishing, you will acquire lots of knowledge about the right lure and technique for the proper way to do this sport. The best advice most experienced and seasoned bass fishermen, is to examine the fishing conditions, ask for tips from anglers familiar with the waters you are fishing in, and finally, try many different lures and bass-fishing techniques until you discover what works most effectively to the situation, and which one you are most comfortable with.

Here are some Guides to Bass Fishing to become a better Bass Fisher.

The Technique:

The bait must fall to the preferred depth, then you have to shake the rod tip. By this, you'll be getting the fishes attention. Do this for at least 30 seconds, then shaking again for about 2 or 3 seconds intervals, stop and pull slowly about six inches. Then dropping again, slowly back and down and repeating the process. The first thing to remember if they're not biting is to slow down.


During Springtime, fish uphill (position the boat in shallow water and cast to deep water) and use a 1/8 ounce weight.

Fish downhill in Fall.

Try to use a Texas rigged worm to prevent hang-ups.

Fish out the worm and keep suspended 90% of the time.

Always try to sharpen the hooks to make sure you have maximized your hookup percentage.

When doodling, it is critical to keep your presentation natural by downsizing your hooks to 1/0 or lower, and paying delicate, attention to how straight your bait is in order to maintain a natural presentation.

Crystal clear waters can be tough. The secret to fishing weenie worms is to keep slack on your line and "shake" the bait instead of dragging. The shaking of the rod and your light line gives your worm, grub or reaper an amazing action.

When to Go:

When the bass quit hitting during the daytime and when it becomes uncomfortably hot on the lake are good signals that it's time to start night fishing. Night fishing is usually practiced when the water is in the mid-60s or warmer.

Places to Fish:

Where to fish at night is a question commonly asked by bass fishermen. Bass don't move great distances in most situations. Smallmouth bass, especially, are proven stay-at-homes. As the summer wears on, the bass tend to move deeper and won't come up shallow, even at night in many lakes. Night fishing is productive when the bass are within the 20-foot zone

Tips and Guides

Position yourself only as far away as water clarity dictates; stay close enough for consistent accuracy.

Try to make the lure land on the water with as little noise as possible. Cast past the target when possible.

In windy weather, put tension on the line just before the lure touches down. This will straighten out the line and prevent it from blowing across obstructions.

Learn casting techniques that permit a low trajectory, such as flipping, pitching, sidearm casting and underhand casting.

Use a quality rod and reel matched to the weight of the lure. Rods with a stiff blank but relatively fast (limber) tip are easier to cast than extremely stiff or uniformly limber rods.

Cast with the wrist, not the arm and shoulder.

Lower the lure a few inches below the rod tip before casting; this gives extra momentum for the cast.

Be sure to "load" the rod tip, causing it to bend backward, on the back-cast, then whip the rod forward smoothly.

Fill the spool of any type reel to within 1/8 inch of the lip of the spool. DO NOT OVERFILL!

 The Flip-Cast; use your wrist, NOT your arm.

Concentrate on the spot you want to hit, not on what you want to miss.
Use plenty of scent when trying to penetrate thick cover - it acts as a lubricant.
Stick to basic jig colors (black/blue, brown/brown, black/chartreuse).
Use a plastic worm with a glass bead between the worm and the weight for inactive fish.
If you think it's a strike, reel down until your rod is in a hookset position before you check.
A strike is anything different (something you wouldn't feel in a bathtub!).
Tighten your drag all the way down for better hooksets.
Use 17 to 25 pound test line for bait casting gear, 10 to 14 pound test on spinning (for flipping finesse baits).

In order to establish a pattern it is essential you understand how a bass lives in its environment. Knowing where the bass can be found at any given time or place is something you must develop. Always go fishing with a plan in mind.

Remember that every fish you catch can reveal clues on how to catch another. After establishing a pattern, realize that when the action slows down in the area you were fishing, you can then search for more areas that would fill the same criteria.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Fly Fishing for Bass

When you mention fly fishing to people, many times they think you are fishing exclusively for trout.  However, there are some amazing spots you can fly fish for trophy sized bass as well.  Both largemouth and smallmouth bass abound in rivers and lakes, so why not try your hand fly fishing for bass?

Many experienced fly fishermen report that bass fly fishing can be extremely challenging as well as extremely satisfying.  Bass have larger mouths than trout, so your choice of lures is much more diverse.  They strike hard and fight strong, so when you are fly fishing for bass, expect to be exhilarated by the fight in these guys!

Experts suggest that you use a 6-7 weight rod, but if you are especially experienced, you can use a 4-5 weight rod.  If you choose the smaller rod, you may have trouble casting the larger flies, so be aware of that.  You can use a floating or a sinking line with a weight forward taper.  You should have a 7 ½ to 9 foot leader tapered down to a 10 pound test.

Most bass are opportunistic feeders and will bite at anything.  In general, however, flies for bass fishing are usually larger and influence a bigger bite.  Try big muddler minnows, clousy minnows, wooly buggers, poppers, leech patterns, and crayfish patterns.  Size 8 or 10 would be a little on the small side while size 2 or 1/0 would be a little too large, so opt for something in between.

Largemouth bass live in shallow water habitats among reeds, water lilies, and other vegetation naturally found in the water.  They are adapted to warm waters in the 80 degree range and are seldom found deeper than twenty feet down.  They prefer clear waters with little or no current.  They stay fairly active year-round, but tend to stay near the bottom in the winter months.

Great bass fly fishing can be found in various locations throughout the United States.  In the northeastern United States, try the rivers and streams in the Adirondack Mountains such as the Mohawk or Black Rivers.  There are also some prized bass in the Great Lakes region.  Southern Ontario in Canada can also provide some great opportunities to catch trophy sized bass.

Bass fly fishing can be a great experience for both the beginning fly fisherman as well as those with a little more experience.  Fly fishing for bass requires a little bit of finesse and some tenacity when they bite.  Stay with the fish and pull a whopper out of the water you can be proud of!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Fly Fishing Equipment

Just as with any other sport, the equipment you use when fly fishing can be very important.  There are various types of equipment that you need when you undertake fly fishing, and be prepared because some of it can get quite expensive!

Of course, you’ll need a rod and reel.  What type of rod you choose depends on the type of fish you will be angling for.  Fly rods are ranked according to their net weight capabilities (nwt).  The nwt number will tell you what type of fish you will be able to catch.  Fish that weigh 8 pounds will require at least an 8 nwt rod, etc.   The larger the nwt number, the larger fish you can catch.

Some rods are multi-rated (e.g. 7-9 nwt).  These rods are good to use because they can accommodate a variety of fish, but multi-rated rods tend to be less flexible than single rated rods.

Rods are made of fiberglass, graphite, or bamboo.  Fiberglass rods are durable and less expensive.  Fiberglass rods are best for beginning fly fishermen because they can be used in a variety of situations.  Graphite rods are lighter and will give you more fighting weight when it comes to landing a fish.  Bamboo rods can be expensive, but they are extremely strong and are suited to a more laid-back casting style.

Your fly line will need to match the nwt of your rod.  If you have an 8 nwt rod, you’ll need to use an 8 nwt line.  It is acceptable to go one or two sizes above or below your rod weight (i.e. 9 nwt or 7 nwt).  Buy line that is strong and durable.  Some lines are specially designed for freshwater, saltwater, etc.

You will also need to have a durable net that you can carry with you.  After the fish has lost its will to fight, a good net is used to scoop them out of the water.  This can be a big part of your fly fishing equipment because without a good net, you won’t be able to get your fish out of the water!

Having the right fly fishing equipment is important for both the beginner as well as the experienced angler.  As you get better and better at the sport, you will begin to see how important having good equipment can be.  You can always upgrade, so it’s good to start out small and work your way up to the more expensive stuff.  Your fly fishing equipment can make a world of difference between landing that big fish or catching an ordinary one.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fly Fishing Clubs

Fly fishing clubs are a great place to learn, apply, and share knowledge of a great outdoor sport. Fly fishing clubs are the best "hands on" resource if you are thinking of entering the fly fishing experience.  If you want to learn more about casting a fly rod, how to tie fly's, how to make fly rods from blanks, or just have a great outdoor experience, check out a club in your area.

If you don’t have a fly fishing club in your area, you might want to access some of the resources available to you on the Internet.  There are many places you can go to online where you will find camaraderie, advice, and tips about fly fishing.

Fly fishing clubs are often regional in nature.  You can usually find a club that caters exclusively to residents of the state of Michigan or Washington.  You can also find a fly fishing club that is geared toward beginning fly fishers or one that gives tips and advice about how to tie flies or the best casting techniques to use.

One of the greatest advantages of a supportive fly fishing club is the opportunity to go on fishing vacations with people you meet.  When you get to know people who share your love of fly fishing, they are eager to co-mingle with other people who share their passion.

If you are a member of an Internet club for fly fishers, it can be fun to make plans to meet at a designated spot to get together for some well deserved R & R while fly fishing.  You can find camaraderie and friendship by joining a fly fishing club plus, you can learn a lot about the sport from fellow club members.

When joining a fly fishing club, you can further your fly fishing education, practice conservation, and enjoy the company of some interesting people who share your interest in the sport.  You can draw on each other’s knowledge and learn new things just by talking and participating in club activities.

Not only are there local clubs, but there are also national fly fishing clubs that you can become a part of.  The Federation of Fly Fishers is dedicated to enhancing the sport of fly fishing for all species of fish.  International Women Fly Fishers aims to educate women in the sport of fly fishing.  Trout Unlimited is committed to the preservation of all cold water species and habitats.

Many people join more than one fly fishing club as the choices can be endless.  If you are truly dedicated to the sport of fly fishing, joining a fly fishing club can truly enhance your enjoyment of this exciting and diverse sport!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fly Fishing Catch and Release

Once you make the decision that you want to become part off the world of fly fishing, you have to then decide if you are going to keep your catches or release them back into the water safe and sound. Some fishermen keep all the fish they catch, others release all that they catch, and some choose to use a combination of the two.

These fly fishermen keep only what they are going to eat, or give to other people to eat, and release all of the other fish they catch.

If you decide to practice fly fishing using the catch and release method, it is very important  that you crush the barb of the hook you are going to use. The other choice is to use a  hook without barbs. This is done to avoid any unnecessary injuries to the fish. It is also important to keep the fight as short as possible so the fish does not become overtired. At the first opportunity, bring the fish to hand but do not take it out of the water. While holding it under the water, remove the hook using a pair of fishing pliers.

If the fish seems to be too tired to swim away,  hold it gently just under the surface of  the water with one hand around its caudal wrist, which is just ahead of the tail. With the other hand, support the fish under its belly. Rock the fish gently back and forth making sure that the water enters its mouth and flows over its gills. Using this method, the fish should gain its energy back quickly. When you feel the fish try to pull away,  gently release your hold on it. Using the catch and release method of fly fishing can be very rewarding.

Often fishermen believe they should release the smaller fish that they catch and keep the larger ones. They might not be aware that the larger fish usually represent the more genetically suitable spawners. They are the ones that are the most valuable fish for keeping a healthy species. It is wiser to keep the smaller fish to eat and release the larger ones back into the water.

Some people while fly fishing,  feel that it is all right to catch as many fish as possible as long as they release them all. However, catch and release is not foolproof. Many fish are injured during the process and some even die. At times, even though the fisherman doesn't keep any of the fish he catches, the overall fish mortality rate for that day is higher then if he had caught and kept the legal limit. Most fish, even if they are not physically injured, will sulk for a while after they have been released because of the trauma of being caught and released.

Catch and release fly fishing can be a wonderful way to experience the sport. Every release of a fish contributes to the conservation efforts that ensures the future of having future stocks of fish.

Monday, October 17, 2016

What’s Inside A Bass Fishing Home Page?

Obviously by what it’s called, you’d know that a Bass fishing homepage would be all about bass fishing right? Well, it is, but its not just slapped with pictures and some word contents and left like that. Bass fishing homepages are provided with the utmost attention and dedication to details. They cover everything you need to know about bass fishing.

Many people have been bitten by the pleasure of bass fishing.   Now it’s all over for many of the other things in your life because you have been bitten by the bug, and for most of the ones that are bitten it seems like the “Bass Fever” just gets worst and keeps on spreading. A good number of people out there are being hooked to this activity.

Just to bring up some interesting stuff that can be found on bass fishing are, owning and operating a 3-Day “On-Water” Bass Fishing School, bass charter service, being the co-host on coast to coast radio and TV shows, teaching seminars, fishing bass tournaments, and some articles that can be read all over the world from magazines and over 200 outdoor internet sites.

Don’t you know that calls (about 70% of such) come from the ages that ranged from around 12 years old to about 35 years old. You can imagine that when it comes to bass fishing, it does not choose age as long as one possesses the passion for the sport. Once in a while, you can get a few questions non-related to angling, but mostly anglers seeking information to help them understand more about this great sport, and it is referring to men, women, boys, and girls. The “Bass Fever” has bitten so many people that now bass fishing is considered to be America’s (# 1) number one freshwater sport. It is literally a multi-million dollar industry because it’s certainly addicting!

Many bass fishing homepage provides forums wherein bass fishing enthusiasts can come in and discuss bass fishing. The good thing is that you can come in and ask questions about bass fishing.

These are the most common questions raised about bass fishing;

First are the most important questions that are continually asked by folks, so here goes. The number one question asked about is in terms of  equipment such as, what kind of boats to buy, rods, reels, line, electronics, hard baits (because there are a lot of kinds), plastic baits, hooks, weights, colors, fish formulas (or as some refer to as attractants), containers, and on, and on, and on. All the answers can be located on its home page.

The second most asked questions are about the water and weather conditions, how to locate fish, what baits are the best to use, and so on. These are now the factor for searching the proper place and time for bass fishing.

Just a pleasant advise for all of you who are hooked to the game, always ask around it first particularly in purchasing your needed material in bass fishing;

Here are some simple tips and guides most bass fishing homepages provide to their visitors;

1.Don’t buy everything on the shelf that looks good! (There are a handful of baits that will work anywhere in the nation, face it, bass are bass and pretty much act the same anywhere you go.

2. Learn as much as you can by reading, but try to find an experienced angler who is willing to share his information with you.

3. Check around and talk to anglers for information. Most bass anglers are great people that love bass fishing so much and would love to share information about the sport of bass fishing with others.

4. Enroll in a bass fishing school if at all possible.

5. Always think of safety while on the water, and be courteous to others.

6. Shop around for the best quality equipment for the money you can afford to spend.

These tips and guides are just but a few of the offerings that a bass fishing homepage can offer their visitors. You can get lots of information in a short time. Bass fishing homepages can help you in a lot of aspect about bass fishing; they can even help you out arrange a bass fishing adventure. Check them out today, all you need is a computer and an internet connection.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fly Fishing Calendar

What are the best times to try and schedule a fly fishing expedition?  When we talk about a fly fishing calendar, we aren’t referring to a printed date book that you can hang on your wall.  We are talking about targeting and specifying the right times to fish and the right places to fish at.

The things you need to look at most when considering a fly fishing calendar is when the water will be at the right temperature that is prime for catching fish.  Depending on the area you are looking at for your fly fishing trip will depend on the right time to go.

In some places like California, the fishing is pretty good year-round.  While in other places such as Washington, you’ll want to avoid the water in the winter as the cold temperatures will stress the fish and they won’t be as plentiful.

Generally, the fly fishing calendar shows the best fishing in the spring and summer months.  Early fall will also find some places showing good fishing as well.  Almanacs can be helpful guides to guide you towards the best fishing times as can constant updating through Internet web sites.

Most places will give weekly, and sometimes daily, fishing reports on their websites.  They can tell you where the fish are biting and where the best places are to cast your line.  They generally keep these areas of their sites updated pretty regularly, so you can get quality reports just by looking at what others have to say.

Fish like warmer waters, although, there are other species that thrive in cold water such as salmon or steelhead.  In general, warm water will attract more fish.  However, if the water is too warm, the fish will be sluggish and will navigate to places where the water is cooler.

The fly fishing calendar used most often by experienced fishermen has been compiled over a period of time.  They spend a considerable amount of effort to estimate where and when the best fishing will occur.  Then they share it with others.  That’s one of the best parts of fly fishing – the camaraderie and sharing that can come about with a love of the sport.

You can compile your own fly fishing calendar with a little time and effort.  Just do your homework and keep copious notes.  When you see a trend, you’ll know it’s time to fish!  Then be sure to help your fellow fishermen as they try to figure out what you already know.  They’d do it for you!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Bass Fishing Homepage: The Link to Bass Fishing

Most Americans are fascinated with bass fishing. So, in order that they keep themselves up to date with the bass fishing world, some of the anglers (actually almost all of them) make their own bass fishing home pages.

The bass fishing homepage is an entire collection of link or collection of information like images, sound, and video files, regarding bass fishing.  This are made available through what appears to users as a single web server.

Normally, the home page serves as an index or table of contents to other documents stored at the site. It usually found at the first page of every website.

This Bass fishing homepage is dedicated to giving information about fishing for bass. It contains links to stories, tips, fishing reports, tactics, message board, boating information and products dealing with bass fishing. There are also forums where in bass fishing aficionados can share their two cents.

Bass fishing homepage is intended to keep you well-informed and up to date of the local events and fishing tips.  This will make every effort to keep this site as current as possible.

Here is how to explain the contents of Bass Fishing Homepage:

Stories – this includes the wonderful experiences of anglers about their bass fishing. Mostly, they tell their experiences through the homepage in order to attract customers who are also in search of the best bass fishing experience.

Tips- presented here are the techniques and guidelines on how to do the bass fishing, what baits and lures to use for an effective bass fishing.

Tactics- like the tips written; in tactics, are the techniques and strategies used in bass fishing.

Message Board/Testimonies - in the message board, testimonies from other bass fishing guide are put in here. Also, the previous customers of different bass fishing services make some acknowledgement on how they enjoy their trip and on how these guide services provide them with good vacation.

Boating information – it is very important for bass fisher wanna-be’s to know ideas about what kind of boat is used in this kind of fishing. Stores with fully equipped boats are also can be read here.

Products – these are advertised products from different bass guide services. Including in here are the services they render, the equipments used and the location.

Guides- guide services are also found in bass fishing home page in terms of marketing. They use their homepage to advertise their service, products even locations. They are also the ones to be asked whether someone is deciding to a bass fishing experience.

Most bass fishing homepage that you can see on the internet from most anglers are made for selling and marketing of their product and services. They take this advantage, for them to capture every prospective customers and visitors’ attention.

In addition, your homepage can also be a help to those who are planning to have a great bass fishing adventure. They can ask for your assistance and opinions about their plans thru your homepage. Besides your homepage will also serves as a directory to your services.

Now, if you are already a good angler and you also want to have a bass fishing homepage for yourself, a simple and easy guide on how to do it can already be a great help for you.

But first what we must consider is explore the brilliant world of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Yes! It may sound like a very hard thing to do but do not fret. This HTML is just a group of codes or tags that computers read and easily convert it into a webpage or a homepage. You really need to know HTML in order to make your own bass fishing homepage.

Here are 5 trouble-free steps to make a bass fishing homepage:

1. Register for a free webpage
2. Learn HTML
3. Read other homepage, and learn from it
4. Make your homepage, design for and make it attention-grabbing.
5. your page for the world to see and treasure it.

A fast and easy way is to contact a website builder to help you build your own bass fishing homepage.

Just follow these 5 steps and you are on your way to having your own bass fishing homepage. Remember, you can make money out of your homepage! So, be artistic on creating it. Ok, good luck!!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Bass Fishing in Florida; A multi-million recreation

Bass fishing represents one of the most popular fishing sports practiced today. Its popularity has yielded a multi-billion dollar industry unto itself, aside from the business of other modes of sport fishing. There are boats on the market designed specifically for bass fishing. Clothes and gears are also very popular.

Freshwater sport fishing in Florida provided recreational opportunities for over 1.32 million people, over age 16, and generated an economic output of $2.0 billion in 2001. Aside from that, Florida freshwater recreational fishing generated 19,519 jobs with earnings of $484 million in 2001. Florida freshwater fishing provided 20.8 million angler days of recreation (92% resident) based on 14.5 million trips. (A trip is from the time someone leaves home until they return and may include many days; a day is defined by an activity on a specific day.)

Bass habitats include a variety of environments, from rivers, lakes, streams, and even ponds. Rivers provide one of the healthiest habitats, due to the highly oxygenated waters from the rapid current. In order to fish bass from rivers, it is best to seek out breaks in the current, perhaps from a fallen tree, a stump, or rocks. The fish that bass feed upon will normally school below a dam, thereby making these spots ideal for bass fishing.

There are at least 32 species of fish commonly caught in the numerous lakes, ponds, canals and rivers throughout Southwest Florida. The anglers pursuing the most popular of these freshwater game fish are locally referred to as either bass fisherman, "perch jerkers", pan fisherman or catfishermen, depending upon the object of their pursuit.

The most common and popular of these are Largemouth Bass, Catfish, Panfish, Chain pickerel and Crappie.

Largemouth Bass without a doubt is the most sought after game fish in Florida. It is the main target of the majority of anglers. Many of these lure busting monsters in the 10 to 12 pound range are taken every year in local waters.

The yellow and brown bullhead, followed by the channel catfish, is the most abundant in the area. They are favored by sportsman for the delicious table fare that they provide. Also harvested commercially, mainly on Lake Okeechobee, and their tasty fillets are served as an "all you can eat" favorite in most area restaurants. But it is still the bass fish that promises the challenge of the sport.

Every freshwater river, canal, lake and pond in South West Florida is abundant with what is locally referred to as "panfish" for the thick tasty fillets they provide. The term actually covers a wide variety of pan sized fish in the sunfish family. These include, but are not limited to, the following: bluegill, bream, warmouth, and the most sought after, redeared sunfish, locally referred to as a "shellcracker" for its diet of aquatic snails. Another favorite is the exotic oscar, which has flourished in the hundreds of miles of canals in the area.

An angler needs only to arm themselves with a cane pole and a can of worms or crickets for guaranteed success in catching supper. However, most anglers opt for the ultra-light spinning outfits with tiny spinners and spoons, or the fly rod with popping bugs. Catches of fifty or more a day are common.

While not particularly sought after, the pickerel must still be considered a game fish for its savage attacks on the lures most commonly thrown by bass fisherman. They are fast, tackle busting acrobatic fighters. While edible, they are usually released due the many pesky little bones in their fillets.

Also locally called speckled perch or "specks" and considered as the favorite of the "perch jerkers" or crappie fisherman that pursue them. These quick striking fish fall for a variety of lures. They congregate in large schools and once located, provide the angler with plenty of action and a great fish fry.

There are innumerable techniques and types of tackle available to practice the sport of bass fishing. For a beginner, it is advised to gather some more basic tools to get started. Some suggestions point towards acquiring a 10-pound line, suitable for the average sizes and weights of this species. Also, it is suggested to start with artificial bait until the angler has a better understanding of the unique characteristics of the bass fish. The Spinnerbait is common artificial bait used by both amateur and seasoned anglers.

The catch and release method was first introduced in the 1950s. It was designed to reduce the rising costs of restocking hatchery-raised fish, and was normally used for fish not meant for consumption. Popular consensus does not consider bass as a food fish, and thus this technique is widely used.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Florida the Center of Bass Fishing: Convenience at its best with Bass Fishing Rentals

Florida has gained an international acknowledgment for its exceptional saltwater fishing, but the outstanding freshwater fishing has not yet captured the widespread attention of the same amount of visitors. Residents of this state are in on the secret, however; that they have three very active freshwater clubs here in Collier County.

Tourists and out of state bass fishermen are very much welcome here with the amenities and lodgings available for them. Boats, equipments are for rent and this provides much convenience for travelers.

Since Florida has more than 7,500 lakes available, anglers sometimes face a tough decision about where to fish. It is really very important to consider the lakes. The following list of Top Bass Fishing Areas with Bass Fishing rentals aims to help anglers find a quality place to catch either a good numbers of bass or to catch a trophy bass.

1. Lake George

Lake George is one of the many natural lakes on the St. John’s River. It has extensive vegetation that provides excellent habitat for bass. Wade fishing in eelgrass with plastic worms fished on the surface, and other top water artificial lures are productive. Fishing with live shiners is an excellent method for catching trophy bass during the spring spawning season.

2. Stick Marsh Reservoir

Anglers in this river can locate bass throughout the reservoir among a variety of habitats including woody stump fields, submerged canals and hydrilla. Summer 2004 hurricanes drastically reduced levels of hydrilla throughout the reservoir, however, which can affect where bass are located.  Anglers should keep this in mind when trying to pattern fish. Plastic worms, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, soft jerkbaits, and topwater propeller baits are effective. Wild golden shiners are the top choice for anglers looking to catch a trophy fish.

3. Lake Tohopekaliga

 Most anglers here target trophy bass use live golden shiners during early spring.  Shiners are fished inshore near native vegetation or topped-out hydrilla .  Plastic baits (worms, crawfish and lizards) flipped along grass edges, hydrilla, and bulrush will also catch quality-sized bass. Spinnerbaits, soft jerkbaits and chugging baits can also be very productive at times

4. Lake Kissimmee

Lake Kissimmee is the largest of five main water bodies on the famous Kissimmee River in central Florida.  Lake Kissimmee is nationally renowned for producing high quality fishing.  Tournament anglers on Lake Kissimmee are posting winning weights of 18 to 20 pounds of bass.  Results of an angler survey indicated that bass anglers had an excellent catch rate of 0.54 fish/hour during spring 2004.

5. Rodman Reservoir

Rodman Reservoir, east of Gainesville and south of Palatka, covers 9,500 acres of prime largemouth bass habitat. Since its creation in 1968, Rodman Reservoir has been known for trophy largemouth bass.

6. Lake Tarpon

Anglers in this lake are most successful in flipping or pitching plastic worms along canal and bulrush edges. Offshore bass fishing is productive for anglers who fish around ledges, humps, coontail, and eelgrass beds. Popular lures offshore include shad-imitating jigs, crankbaits, jerkbaits and topwater baits. Fishing with wild shiners and live shad is also effective.

7. Lake Walk-In-Water

The lake is located south of Orlando and east of Lake Wales, and it is just south of S.R. 60.  Lake Walk-in-Water has a national reputation as an outstanding spot to catch largemouth bass. Anglers frequently catch up to 25 bass a day with several ranging from four to eight pounds. The lake also produces many trophy bass exceeding 10 pounds each year. A 15- to 24-inch slot limit regulation and a three-bass daily bag limit are in place to help maintain quality bass fishing.  Anglers may keep three bass per day, either under or over the protected slot range, of which only one bass greater than or equal to 24 inches is allowed.

8. Lake Istokpoga

Istokpoga is the fifth largest natural lake in Florida and has an average depth of only six feet.  During angler surveys conducted from October 2003 throughout May 2004, anglers caught 124,993 bass, of which almost 55,000 were 2 pounds or heavier, and 1,448 bass were over 8 pounds.

9. Deer Point Lake

Deer Point Lake is a popular largemouth bass fishing destination in Florida’s panhandle area near Panama City.

10. Suwanee River

The Suwannee River is a pristine, black water stream flowing 213 miles in Florida from the swamp-like region at the Georgia border to salt-marsh tidal creeks at the Gulf of Mexico. This river is known for trophy largemouth bass.

11. The Everglades

The Everglades are south Florida marshlands intersected with over 200 miles of canals.  Most anglers fish in the canals rather than in the marsh. Anglers work canal edges with plastic worms, soft jerkbaits, and minnow imitations. Flipping the vegetation is also a popular technique.

Wherever you decide to go, you can be sure that you can have the time of your life fishing and all at a convenience. You can just rent out a boat and eliminate the need to tow your own boat or worse have to buy your own. Other gears are also available as a rental for your own convenience and ease. There are also many lodges and inns plus cabins you can rent out for a weekend or more.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Highly Enjoyable Bass Fishing at Puerto Vallarta

The world’s finest destination for vacation is Puerto Vallarta Mexico. It is well- known for its legitimate environment located on a large bay of beautiful sandy beaches and they are filled with big lunkers.

This is the real Mexico complete with cobblestone streets and colonial architecture with beautiful weather that goes along with, and friendly people bringing their warm smiles.

Puerto Vallarta is one of the loveliest places you can spot on the globe. It combines a unique ethnic culture with today’s resort facilities, reflected in a variety and inspiring activities and convenient accommodations. Puerto Vallarta’s geographical diversity is represented in its mountains, jungles, waterfalls, rivers and weather is not a hindrance for your fabtastic vacation. They always have a great weather that will not spoil your ultimate vacation in life.

As the Puerto Vallarta’s popularity has grown bigger and bigger, more tourist flock in, luckily it does not get crowded in the view of the fact that it is located on the huge Banderas bay (“also known as Bay of Flags”), one of the largest natural bay of Pacific Ocean.

Banderas Bay is one of the most excellent locations for sport fishing in the globe. Angler’s from around the world come back every year to find out if they can beat the last year’s big fish that had been caught. It is a brilliant place to find bass fish, mahi-mahi, marlin, tuna, Dorado, rooster tail, and red snapper for the reason that it is a 40- mile-wide bay, with a depth of two miles.

Some of the other species that can be caught in the area include Amberjack, Pargo, Snook, Jack Crevalle, Snapper, Grouper, Rainbow Runner, Red Snapper, Rooster Fish, Sierra, Spanish Macarel, Triggerfish, and many more.

One of Mexico’s hottest bass fishing lake is known as Agua Milpa, which opened in the fall of 1997.the 70,000 acre lake, one of the most easy to get to of Mexico’s hot bass fishing lake can get to by paved road in 3 hours, either your heading from Guadalajara or Puerto Vallarta or by air to Tepic, Nayarit then a short 45 minute ride to the lodge.

The largemouth bass fish lake was secluded from fishing until the fall of ’97. It is an ideal food base and has an ideal growing temperature for bass fishing making it as there own paradise. Agua Milpa Lake is loaded with aggressive largemouth bass, averaging from 2 ½ to 10 pounds. The most numbered healthy bass fish caught was over 50 fishes for just 4 hours and the largest fish caught that time weighs six pounds.

The best fishing rigs in Mexico are the bass fishing boats and motors. They are all equipped with new or nearly new outboards, troll motors and swivel fish.

Fishing fanatics from all over the world meet on this lake to try their luck in catching the largest creatures that are hard to find. They are required to have a fishing license either for daily or annual purposes. Tournaments and most of the fishing activities are coordinated at the Puerto Vallarta Bass club located at the lake Agua Milpa

Catching and releasing fish is now starting to get known in Puerto Vallarta and in the world which make the anglers more concerned about protecting and increasing the sport fish population. Practicing good catch and release techniques provides a first class fishing experience while recognizing our responsibility to maintain our valuable fishing resources for future generations. When properly handled and released, fish will continue to repopulate the waters for our continued enjoyments.  If fishes are not released and handled properly, there will come a time that in the next generation fishes will not be transparent anymore.

Pity the children of the next generation for they may no longer see the beauty and exquisiteness of the fishes that swim in the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, bays and other aquatic forms. Still pity to them for they can no longer taste the deliciousness of these fishes.

Come and visit Puerto Vallarta if you want to have the big chance of a life time. Choose this place for your next vacation and you won’t regret the adventure you’ll have to experience and the beautiful sceneries and exotic beauties of the place.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Get to know more about Bass Fishing Lures

Bass fishing has evolved to a near cult popularity with so many anglers through the years that there have been so many products made, clubs formed, and articles written about it. Here you will read about the types of Bass fishing lures you can use to catch them. Also, there is also a list on the necessary equipments to have when going bass fishing.

The type of bass that will bite almost anything is the largemouth bass. Minnows, worms, or other live bait, plus poppers or streamers presented with a fly rod, or plugs thrown from a casting or spinning rod are ways where they can be caught. Since bass is usually associated with weeds, a weedless bait will often be necessary. Morning and evening are the best fishing times when warm months come. They usually like to stay in warm water and warm weather. There is only little bite during winters.

Smallmouth bass pound for pound are the scrappiest fish of all fresh water bass. They are usually associated with a rocky stream or lake environment where its favorite food, the crayfish, is plentiful. The best lake fishing takes place in the month in June and just after, the spawning season, and in early fall. Natural lure like hellgrammites, dragonfly larvae and crayfish are especially useful during early morning or late evening. Most likely, the best artificial lures are those who are used on the surface. Light tackle is ideal. Fish quietly, casting toward rocks or logs, keeping the rod tip up and the line tight. Many fishermen debate on the colors used for their lures. This may vary on the bass fish that is to be caught.

Fishing requires more than just a simple fishing rod and some lure for serious fisherman. People who fish for leisure are those who fish because it’s their hobby, they can have some tools and accessories that will help them make it easier and be able to catch more fish. Here are some suggested tools for starters that will help them improve in catching fish:

Fishing Rod. The most important piece of equipment and should be chosen with care.  A basic rod-and-reel set is enough for beginners. It is necessarily important to have more featured materials. The most important is that you should learn how to use the rod and be comfortable to it before moving into another difficult type of equipment. Professional fisherman can experiment different types of rod for them to know what works best for them.

When buying a fishing rod, know before you enter the store what kind of fishing you'll be doing, and under what conditions. Rods come from different varieties of materials, from wood laminates to fiberglass to carbon fiber. Rod handles should fit securely in your palm, and practice casting with the rod, to test how flexible and easy to use it is. In addition have the proper length of the rod. For using lighter lure, or catching tiny fish, a 4 inch to 6 inch rod is advisable to use. For using larger lure, which gets larger fishes or casting longer distances, a rod of at least 6 inches may be required.

Waders. It is a water- resistant covering you wear over your pants to keep them dry so you can wade out into the water. A lot of are made like overalls, covering the chest and the legs, and with boots attached, for ultimate defense. Make sure the boots are warm and secure, to supply better balance while walking on wet rocks.

Fishing Vest. Contains several pockets for storing fish equipments and your hands are free to manage the fishing rod. Also, should you have to wade out into the water, wearing a vest will let you to have all of your gear with you at all times. Make a decision beforehand which gear is necessary; if you store too much in the vest, it may make it too heavy to wear, which could bring you down.

Tackle Box or Fly Box. In fishing it requires a lot of supplies and you need a something big to store all your gears. Spend in a durable tackle box, in which you can store your entire lure, keeping it easily to get to. Styles are classified into simple and inexpensive, and large and costly. Fishermen may only need something small, but the more advanced fishermen may want something handier. Furthermore, you should consider a fly box. Small enough to fit a vest pocket and allows you to keep them with you as needed.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Fly Fishing Books

Although experience is a great teacher when you are learning about fly fishing, you may also want to look into the myriad of books that are available on the topic.  Fly fishing involves a lot of things, and you’ll need to know about these things if you’re going to be effective in the sport.  Fly fishing books are a great way to start learning!

A quick search on shows over 8,000 titles on fly fishing available!  Prices range between $10 and $50.  Some of these books are purely instructional while others contain anecdotes and fish stories designed to entertain.  You can get books that tell you the best places to fish at and the most satisfying fly fishing destinations.

Fly fishing books are great resources as well if you want to learn how to tie your own flies.  One of the first things you need to know in fly tying is what the flies look like that you’re trying to mimic.  When the book comes with illustrations, you can easily match your fly to the picture.

Online books are another great way to get information about fly fishing.  There are many e-books available for download.  Look for the ones that will fit your needs.  If you’re a beginner, you may want a comprehensive guide to all aspects of fly fishing.  If you’re more experienced, an update book may be the way to go.

When choosing a fly fishing book, look at the author first.  Are they qualified to write this book?  What experience do they have in the sport?  Can they provide you with compelling reasons to take his or her advice?  You will get more accurate information from a person who has personal experience to offer.

Is the book easy to read?  When you are reading a book filled with technical language, it can be overwhelming and it isn’t likely to help you much.  The author should define unfamiliar language early on in the book and keep reminding you throughout the text what they are referring to.

Don’t opt for long winded tomes of pages akin to War and Peace.  They aren’t likely to give you much good advice plus the boredom factor has to come into play.  A lot of great information can be packed into a few pages.  Opt for the shorter book rather than the longer one so you get what you pay for!

Fly fishing books are wonderful sources of information when you are learning about this sport.  Find a book that you are comfortable reading that also gives you what you are looking for.  The choices are vast, so go online or get to the bookstore today and learn what you need to about the sport of fly fishing!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Fly Fishing Around The World

Fly fishing is a popular sport around the world. With a history dating back nearly 2,000 years it should not be surprising that many of the world's cultures have adopted various styles of fly fishing for their sport fishing activities.

Fly fishing is a sport where the basics can be learned in a few hours with a guide but where the advanced techniques of the masters will take years of dedicated effort. This combination of factors helps to keep people interested in fly fishing for many years.

Fly fishing is also diverse enough that it works well for quite a variety of fishing conditions. Fly fishing will serve you well whether casting a fly into a small, mountain trout stream in North America and Europe or whether casting for bonefish in the Caribbean. The sports flexibility has served to make it a popular sport option around the world.

The earliest records of fishing with artificial flies record that Macedonian fishermen used six-foot rods with six-foot lines to fish. These fly fishermen crafted artificial flies using a hook decorated with red wool and insect wings.

Interest in fly fishing increased in England and Scotland throughout the years though little was written until 1496 with the publication of The Treatyse On Fysshynge With An Angle. The 1653 publication of The Compleat Angler by Isaaak Walton contained several chapters on fly fishing. The publication of these books, along with the information they contain, demonstrates that fly fishing was an established fishing sport by the time of their publication. The development of fly fishing clubs throughout England in the 1800s served to further develop and popularize the sport.

The chalk streams of Southern England were well suited to dry-fly fishing with their shallow waterways and weeds that grew in the water to just below the surface. Northern England and Scotland also saw the development of wet-fly fishing around the same time. However, anglers in Southern England strongly favored dry-fly fishing and tended to look down on wet-fly fishing as an inferior perversion of their sport. Fly fishing continues in England and the same chalk streams can still be fished today though most access is through privately owned and managed land.

American anglers in the Catskill Mountains area of New York began experimenting with dry-fly design in the late 1800s. These anglers began designing artificial flies to mimic the native insects that the trout naturally fed on. Like Isaac Walton, some of these anglers wrote about their adventures. These publications served to further interest in the sport. The American fly fishers were also more open than their English counterparts to experimenting with wet-fly fishing.

Fly fishing interest has continued and grown considerably in the United States and in Canada, The development of fiberglass manufactured fly rods following World War II, along with synthetic line and leaders, made the sport more affordable for many anglers. Inland fishing is frequently done with dry flies on streams and rivers. Coastal fishing often involves wet-fly fishing in bays or surf. Fly fishing has also been adapted by bass anglers.

Many Caribbean and southern-hemisphere locations are popular saltwater fly fishing destinations. Fly fishers travel great distances to fish for bonefish and tarpon. Other southern-hemisphere locations like Belize offer both freshwater and saltwater fly fishing

Fly fishing is a growing sport around the world. There has probably never been a better time to start fly fishing than today. The basic equipment to start fly fishing is more affordable than ever and the worldwide opportunities for fly fishing are just about limitless.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Fly Fishing in Canada

Canada is a beautiful place to visit.  When you are planning a fly fishing trip, you’ll find an amazing adventure in Canada!  Many of the rivers and lakes where fly fishing is the best are in remote areas, so when you choose fly fishing in Canada, you’ll have privacy with the added perk of some great fishing!

Some of the best fly fishing in Canada is found in the province of Ontario.  There are many lodges you can choose from to stay at when you are there, but be warned that most of them are in very remote places where you are likely to be left alone with your party and can only get in and out by plane or train.

The Brown Bear lake system in Ontario is considered one of the best fly-in trophy smallmouth bass lakes in the area.  The fish here average between two and three pounds, but four pound fish are common every season with some trophy wall hangers of 5-6 pounds being caught each year.

Norse Lake is a prime example of a remote Canadian fly-in wilderness lake.  The lake is protected by a high, picturesque landscape that stays relatively calm even in windy weather.  Here, you can catch beautiful walleye, Northern Pike, and smallmouth bass.  Trophy sized fish are found every year, so fish this lake for some great opportunities.

Populus Lake offers twelve miles of beautiful water and land for you to explore when fly fishing in Canada.  There are numerous channels and bays dotting this lake with all sort of landscape features like rock outcrops and weed beds which are prime breeding ground and hiding places for fish.  This lake is situated in a very remote area with walleyes, trout, and Northern Pike in abundance.

Picture a cool, clear Canadian lake with lots of trophy sized smallmouth bass and Northern Pike and you’ll have Treelined Lake.  This lake is so clear, you will be able to see the fish clearly near the shoreline.  Wildlife is abundant here and it’s not uncommon to see a moose feeding on the shoreline in the twilight.  You’ll find some real trophy sized fish on Treelined Lake with Northern Pike averaging over 5 pounds and smallmouth bass at 4-5 pounds.

Because so many fly fishing spots in Canada are located in remote locations, you’ll find peace and serenity during your fly fishing trip there.  Enjoy the beauty of the Canadian wilderness while you catch the fish of your dreams.  There are so many choices available to you that when you choose Canada for your next fly fishing trip, you’re sure to come away a winner either way!

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Effective lures for bass fishing

Many say and believe that a bass fisherman is only as good as his Bass Fishing lures. Well, this is fifty per cent true to some circumstances; because in reality, a great bass fishing lure is useless unless you know how to use it.

There are accurately thousands of different bass fishing lures available all around the world and chances at the local bait and tackle shop doesn't make all of the variety of lures available to you. Lets accept the fact that the world of bass fishing changes nearly every day, trends come and go, and if the attack that you usually knew will always be the attack you’ll going to use is from twenty years ago, well it’s time to let your self escape in traditional way of hunting bass.

There are many kinds of bait that looks like a fish, exactly look like one, topwater, lightest lure that can able to float in the water, the worms that attract bass for them to think that they are just a worm, the jerk baits that is usually in light color, the craw cranks who look like a small crab, the crank baits that look like a fish with a long mouth and lastly, the buzz bait that releases a noise that calls the bass for it will be in attraction.

High Roller Fishing Lures (salt water) trigger explosive strikes in the open saltwater flats, possesses the ability to finesse trophies from oyster lined creek channels as well as shallow mangrove lagoons. In saltwater, High Roller Fishing Lures deliver thrilling action, strength, cast ability and the durability needed to catch Bull Redfish, Gator Spotted Sea Trout, Massive Snook, Monster Kingfish, Tarpon, Bluefish, Spanish mackerel, Stripers, Amberjack and Jack Crevalle. The Original High Roller, a custom-walking lure, spooks the competition. Designed for exceptionally long casting, the Original High Roller is possibly the most versatile fishing lure we make.

The Pop Roller is a delicate Trout, Snook and Redfish bait, ideal for calm conditions and creek channel fishing. The Chug Roller, with its echoing, deep chug, calls fish from great depths triggering acrobatic strikes. The Rip Roller series is the most often lure of fishermen, because it sales almost double than other lure. Due to the noise that the prop makes when ripped thru the water, it totally rips the competition, the Crank Roller and the Wiggle Roller round out the series with un-paralleled buoyancy, flash and structure bumping reactions.

The High Roller (freshwater) is designed for professional fisherman, High Roller fishing lures are proven tough and performance tested. Originally made for Largemouth and Smallmouth bass, High Roller offers poppers, aggressive walking baits, noisy crank baits and world-class prop baits that outperform, out-cast and out-catch the competition.

There are also the so called Classic Bass Fishing Lures, like the Pro Series Jig, it is weedless designed with dual rattles, the Pro Series Spinner Baits a premium plated blades, the Tournament Series Spinner Bait it is commonly used while in a tournament, and lastly the Clacking Buzz Bait it is the noisiest buzz bait that is existing around the world.

Lures are important in bass fishing for it is the life and the link of the fishermen to the bass. It creates a big connection to them that in line in fishing. This lure may be the cause of the last breath of the fish who dares to eat them and it is also the start of one person to consider him/her self as a fishermen.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Keeping in touch with bass fishing reports

Fishing nowadays is already considered as a form of sport. In the past fishing is a form of occupation and used to strive for living. They catch fishes for their food and some are for earning some money.

Fishing activities are done in water. This maybe in sea, rivers, lakes, bays, and in other form of water. Almost all bodies of water are rich in fishes and other water products that the fishers are after to. So fishing can be done anywhere and anytime because we are surrounded by bodies of water.

It is a fact the world is composed of seventy five per cent water, and the land is only composed of twenty five per cent. So fishing is very usual to people especially to those who live in nearby shores and water reservoir.

Fishing is fun to do. It brings lots of enjoyment and relaxation to the fisher. Not only these, fishing also contributes to the development of human body because it can be used as form of exercise, not only for human body, it also help our mind to function well, for mind should be used properly in this sport.

There organization groups for bass fishing. They provide education program and enhancement of methods and techniques in bass fishing. They are educating people about fishing through books, flyers and leaflets, and the most sought out way of education that the fishing enthusiasts choose education through the internet.

These organizations for fishing have their very own sites in the web for easier access of their members. Educational materials, advertisements, and tips are posted in their updated pages.

Fishing tournaments are also offered by these organizations. The fishing enthusiasts are very much interested with this. In tournaments, all outgoing and adventurous fishers are joining because of the fun they can have.

In the pages of these sites, fishing reports are being posted for the other fishing lovers to read. These articles are being posted for them to be able to share the experiences and activities regarding fishing that they have done.

These reports are much patronized by the enthusiasts for these are providing tips to a better and more successful fishing.  Articles’ regarding the activities of fishing includes some anecdotes and newly discovered new techniques.

Pictures and images are also present in these reports to more entertain the fishers that are visiting the sites. These pictures are usually eye catching and make amazements to the part of the viewers.

Tips for better fishing are also available in the sites of these fishing organizations. They provide advices that will help in the enhancement and improvement of the fisher’s capabilities in fishing.

Some of the tips and advices in some of the pages that are posted in the bass fishing reports are the following. They are already summarized for easy understanding of the readers

You need to fish bass differently in different kinds of water quality. Following these general guidelines will improve your fishing quality:

Muddy Water: In low-visibility water, a bass finds food using its sonar senses. You must use lures with the best vibration and noise. You can tell if a lure has a high vibration by feeling the shaking of your rod as you bring in the lure. Use your heaviest vibrators and keep them coming at a steady pace so that bass can detect it.

Clear Water: Bass are overly cautious in clear water with high visibility. Their survival instincts kick in, and they are wary of anything out of the ordinary. Use lighter lines that are less visible. Also, use longer casts and lures that resemble bass food in the area. Spinners usually work in clear water, but if they are not working try a black spinner blade to reduce the flash.

Normal Water: This water has normal algae and plankton that filters out sunlight. It is ideal for all types of lures, as the bass are not timid. Use the shotgun approach here and set up 3 outfits, one using a surface lure, one using a deep diver, and the last using a plastic worm. Do about 10 casts with each, and then switch them up to different variations. This is a great way to find out what is working.

Bass fishing reports are of big help in for the enthusiasts of fishing. Other fishers should also contribute and send their reports for the development of the fishing sport.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Bass fishing reports to the rescue

Sometimes even the most techno-oriented person would like to live his life in the streams where living comes on hand. Bass fishing report either be coming home with nothing bass on hand, or getting your camera to capture the moment of having your finest catch.

Bass are fishes with different kinds; the striped bass and the largemouth bass, small mouth bass and spotted bass.  The striped bass comes from the family of Percicthyidae and its other members include white bass and white perch. The striped bass and white bass are also known as temperate basses- exercising moderation and self restraints.

Stripped bass fishing can sometimes be very different activity compared to chasing those regular bass. The important thing to remember is that each and every fish requires a slightly different approach to maximize the possibility of success. The best way to go about things is to know the fish itself. Learn its movement and capability to escape as a prey.

The largemouth bass, small mouth bass and spotted bass- belong to the sunfish family Centrarchidae whose other members include: bluegills, pumpkinseed and rock bass. These basses are also referred to as warm water basses or black basses.

A smallmouth bass is a greenish brown color, with a vertically striped side. The most suitable way to distinguish the two is simply by looking at their mouth.

If you recognize the upper jawbone extends past the eye then you know you have a large mouth bass on your hands. On the other hand, if the fish has a reddish eye, and the upper jaw bone stops before the eye, then you have caught a smallmouth bass.

Another good clue is the weight, a small mouth bass ways and average of seven and a half pounds. The best place to go small mouth bass fishing is near rocky streams. Once you have caught them, they pretty much taste like a large mouth bass.

Bass have progressively and gradually grow to be the most well-liked freshwater sport  in the United States. Their popularity has increased due to the rise of the bass fishing tournament industry that helps sell recreational fishing products and train other fishermen on how to catch bass.

Modern Bass Fishing has its roots in the Southern United States, originally for the purpose of food-hunt. The sport has evolved into a multi-billion dollar industry. The sport has changed radically since the 1950’s from modest beginnings and has develops into the second most specifically sought after game fish in the USA. The sport has driven the development of all manner of fishing gear, from rods, reels, lines, lures, and electronics to modern 'Bass Boats'.

Competitive bass fishing alone generates approximately two billion dollars annually. Overall the latest numbers place the value of the sport at over seven billion US dollars.

The majority of participants no longer views Bass as a food fish. Nowadays, most fish are released as soon as it is caught. In competition anglers are penalized heavily for dead fish, in some cases dead fish are not weighed. Fish turned in for weighing are immediately released or placed in tanks and treated for stress and injury to their slime coats, then released back into the water.

Sports fishermen and governmental wildlife departments have initiated the Largemouth across the world. Largemouth bass can be found worldwide, Japan, Australia and South Africa have active programs of stocking. The subculture of competitive Bass Fishing has followed the fish across the globe. There have been a number of tournament events in the USA involving invited participants from Japan, South Africa and Australia.

Anglers themselves had created an organization where fishers can best enjoy the camaraderie of bass fishing with fellow sportsmen. Bass Fishing Clubs take their existence all the way to United States, and are split up by the western, central, and eastern divisions. These Bass Fishing clubs is an assortment -from competitive to recreational.

A usual bass fishing club will give and offer its member with newsletters, and occasionally periodicals that provide information about upcoming events, contests and tournaments. Bass Fishing clubs are a great way to get involved in tournament fishing as they can often be used as springboards to enter national tournaments.

Most of these bass fisher clubs have their own web pages where you can gather more information about the club specifically, including dues, locations and pictures and write ups of past events and tournament regarding bass fishing sport.

Unfortunately, we cannot give you the best insights on the most suitable technique in bass fishing because everything differs in one way or another. A small bass is differently caught from a big bass. The technique lies within your hand. It depends on you what technique to use best.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Bass Fishing Tackle-Sparing Some Advice from It!

Many say that only those people who live along the seashore get fond of fishing. Most working individuals who live in the cities find more interest to go fishing particularly during weekends when they tend to have their rest after a long week pressure in work.

It is true that some of the people consider it as their source of living but others find pleasure in it, so finally they will realize to just make it as their hobby. Don’t you know that most of the people who are getting into it even spend a lot of money just to buy the necessary equipments for fishing? It includes the baits, fishing rod and even the boats that they prefer to use when they go fishing. Some would even make it as their collections.

Talking about fishing as a hobby and just to give you finer points about it, there are lots of information about bass fishing that you can surf in the net.

Lots of boxes full of lures and baits can be found when you deal about bass fishing. They had been used once or twice and sometimes anglers would suddenly realize that these lures would serve its purpose anyway, so they shouldn’t regret even though they spend a lot of money just to purchase such stuffs.

If this is your motivation for most of your lure purchases, then before you walk into the tackle shop again and spend some more of your hard earned money, you may want to take some advices first from someone who has been there and done that, so you wouldn’t spare any regret in the end.

Most of the anglers usually go to their favorite tackle departments and try to check on the different selections of offerings that they are thinking and planning to purchase. One of the examples of the things that you can realize after visiting your most favorites tackle department is that, fisherman should take it more significantly to look at their lures as tools and not as toys.

Moreover, aside from the necessity of knowing the right tool to be used, for a successful and dedicated bass fisherman, it is a significant consideration that they must try to know the proper manner of using it and under which conditions.

To give you a clear picture on it, here is a very basic instance. Just try to consider this scenario, if a miner is hired to drill a tunnel through bedrock, it would be unproductive to use a bit that is designed to drill through sand or topsoil. Everything must conform under the proper condition.

Now, obviously the same analysis applies to bass fishing, remember that lures are intended to be used in certain situations and conditions. To throw jerk bait with three sets of treble hooks on to a mat of floating moss is the same as attempting to drill through granite with a sand bit. You have to use the proper tool for the conditions at hand.

Lure are used to catch fish but you must bear in mind that by simply throwing your lures in the water, it is already a guarantee that the fish will get  near to you and take the lure as you wish. Bass Fishing needs a lot of considerations, such as the weather condition, the season, the type of body of water (be it natural lake, reservoir etc.). This is just the right time that you will determine where the fish can be found and the time when you can decide on the right lure to be used.

This may seem like a lot of thinking to do on a day of recreating. But of course, the more time you spend on the water, practicing these techniques starts to become second nature and you'll spend much less time organizing expensive lures that don't seem to work. This is already a big help for you anyway.

Remember that there is no substitute for experience, as the saying goes, and there is no opportunity better than fishing to prove that maxim true. So the next time you are in the tackle shop, stop for a minute and think about what you are doing, do not do things without even thinking about it.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Fly Fishing Accessories

In addition to the clothing and your balanced outfit there are many accessories that you should have for fly fishing.  Some of these  accessories may seem strange, but when wading, it is necessary to have all of your gear and tools with you.

You already have your fly fishing vest with plenty of large pockets, because that is part of a fly fisherman's basic wardrobe.  You might want to put a patch of sheepskin on the front of the vast where you can keep alternative flies handy.  You should also have a spring-loaded retractable spool that attaches to your vest to hold a pair of nail clippers. They come in very  handy for trimming knots. You might want to attach a patch of rubber for straightening leaders.  Ideally, the  vest should have a large back pocket to carry light rain gear.  Some vests also have a ring at the back of the collar, where you can attach the net to keep it out of the way.

The choice of your fly boxes is very important. One should have large compartments where you can store dry flies without crushing their hackles. You should also have one or two smaller boxes with foam linings and metal clips.  These are for holding your wet flies, nymphs, and streamers. Having a couple of small vials to hold your dry of flies after catching a fish also comes in very handy.

A spare spool for your reel, already loaded with backing and line, is a good idea to have with you. Also a  few spools of monofilament leader material, a leader wallet,  a sharpening stone, and a  Swiss Army knife are important for the fly fisherman to have within easy reach.

Insect repellent  is essential when fly fishing.  The main ingredient in many insect repellents is DEET, which is an industrial solvent and can damage the varnish on your fly rod, eat away the finish on your fly line, weaken your leaders and destroy your rain gear. If you do use an insect repellent with DEET be very careful of what it touches and try to limit its use.  There are many products today that do not contain that solvent.

Having a good pair of polarized sunglasses will help you to see the fish and protect your eyes from the damaging rays of the sun.  It's also important to have a small pocket flashlight with a flexible neck.  This can be very useful for many things including changing flies at dusk or dawn.  Other useful items include a thermometer, a small container of split shot, a good knife with several blades, and a small first aid emergency kit.

Many fishermen like to take a collapsible wading staff with them while fly fishing.  It helps them  to keep their footing if they are wading in a heavy current or on a slippery, rocky bottom.  A small cotton mesh net with a short handle comes in handy for netting your fish. If you intend to keep your catch a small canvas or woven willow basket for holding your fish will work well.

There are many other accessories available for fly fishing today.  Many of the choices depend on each fisherman's personal preferences.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Finding Solitude While Fly Fishing in Montana

One of the best parts about the sport of fly fishing is experiencing the scenery and calmness around you as you are trying to land your big fish.  Montana is a great place to find some solitude while fly fishing.  In fact, the vast expanses that surround the rivers and streams in Montana can provide you with some of the most relaxing solitude anywhere.

Montana fly fishing is legendary. Anglers from all over the world travel to Montana to experience fly fishing the blue ribbon trout rivers and pristine mountain lakes. Whether an angler seeks to battle trophy sized wild rainbow trout on the Yellowstone River or to experience the solitude of a high mountain lake, Montana provides fly fishing experiences like no other place can.

Montana provides such an abundance of opportunities that visiting anglers frequently have difficulty in deciding where to start their fly fishing adventure.  There are so many beautiful places in the hills of Montana that can provide both solitude and great fishing, many people might be overwhelmed.  But so many choices provide for some amazing chances at bagging that championship fish!

For example, Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park is a beautiful spot for fly fishing.  Flanked by mountains, this lake is not only a beautiful place to catch fish; it’s also an amazing spot for reflecting and relaxation.

Of course, the Yellowstone River is the longest river in Montana.  It is free of any major dams, and its flow is not regulated in any way, so you can find an abundance of fish in the solitude of the mountain air.  In fact, the Yellowstone River is internationally known as one of the premier trout rivers in the United States.

Even though you can expect to catch a variety of trout including rainbow and brown, you will also find whitefish and sturgeon aplenty.  Even though the Yellowstone River is quite well known for its fly fishing in Montana, it is not overtaken by so many fly fishers that you can’t find a spot.  It remains a beautiful secret available to those who are looking for the solitude of the Montana countryside.

Finding solitude while fly fishing in Montana is a relatively easy proposition.  All you need to do is a little bit of research and ask around.  Those who are proud of the fly fishing waters in Montana are always more than happy to share the beauty of their state with people who are wanting to fish the waters.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Colorado Fly Fishing

Some of the most spectacular fly fishing in the United States can be found in the state of Colorado.  In fact, when many people think of fly fishing, they automatically think of Colorado before anyplace else.  It is true that Colorado has some amazing fly fishing places that have some trophy-sized fish in them.

The Frying Pan River is well-known as one of the best fly fishing rivers in the entire state.  This is a beautiful river with easy access.  Located just outside of Aspen, the Frying Pan is host to a variety of trout including rainbow, brown and cutthroat.  There are year-round hatches making fly fishing in any season possible for the avid fisherman.

Another great river in the Aspen area is the Roaring Fork.  This diverse river varies from small and calm to large and mighty in places.  The river is classified as wild trout waters and is easily accessible down the Rio Grande Trail.  As with the “Pan”, year-round fishing is available.  You will find mostly wild rainbow trout in the Fork with an occasional wild brook trout.

The North Platte River was once used by pioneers to traverse portions of the West.  Indians hunted buffalo along its shores, and its fish population has made it a legend among fly fishers.  It is located in Northwestern Colorado and has been rated a gold medal river by experts.  You will find many trout in the waters of the Platte and be able to enjoy some beautiful scenery at the same time!

In the Vail area, you can fish the Colorado River which is located in the Rocky Mountain National Park.  This is a river that is mostly wide and deep with a gently moving current.  Cottonwood trees line the shore providing many hiding spaces for the brown trout that are abundant in this water.

The Arkansas River is located in the southwestern portion of the state and provides some great trout fishing for anglers.  Mid-winter is a great time to fish the Arkansas for trout as is the spring time.  Around Mother’s Day every year, many fishermen descend on the Arkansas for the annual caddis hatch which is huge.  Brown trout feed on caddis and they come “out of the woodwork” for this hatch.

These are only a few of the places where fly fishing in Colorado is plentiful.  The countryside is gorgeous and the fish plentiful.  There are also lots of great lodges that accommodate fly fishermen on a year-round basis.  Fly fishing in Colorado might be the piece de resistance for many fishermen.  Check out this great state and enjoy your adventure!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Different Types of Fly Fishing Casts

The art of casting is a very important skill in fly fishing. It requires gradual,  synchronized movements. It helps to think of each movement, both the back cast in the forward cast, is divided into three steps.  The first is loading, the second is the momentum of projection, and the third is the pause.  It takes a lot of practice to master the art of casting in fly fishing.

There are several types of casts. The most common of these include the basic cast, false cast, side and reverse casts, roll cast, and double haul cast.

In fly fishing the easiest cast, called the basic cast, is simply casting the line straight back and then directly forward. Anyone new to fly fishing should master the basic cast before going on to other techniques.  Use a short length of line to begin with if you are new to fly fishing.  This will help you gain sufficient control of the line, while practicing short gentle movements.

The false cast is a variation of the basic cast.  It consists of the same backward and forward movements as the basic cast, and is immediately followed by another set of the same movements.  The fly line actually travels backward and forward repeatedly without touching the water.  Practicing this type of cast helps to build precise timing that is required in fly fishing.

In fly fishing the side and reverse casts are generally used when wind is a problem.  They are also used if there are obstacles that can make a regular cast difficult.

A roll  cast is generally used if the fisherman finds himself with his back to such obstacles
 as a high riverbank or a wall of vegetation.  When these conditions exist, a basic cast is almost impossible.  You need to let out a good length of line in front of you; it's best to let the current take it a short distance.  The drag of the water on the line will load the rod, and you can cast forward without needing to execute the back cast.

Using a double haul cast in fly fishing will enable you to cast a much longer line than is possible with a basic cast.  In order to do this you need to have a much faster line speed.  This is done by making much larger casting movements, applying more strength, and loading the rod more before the forward cast.  During this cast both hands of the fisherman must work independently.

The above five types of fly fishing casts are the ones used most often.  There are many other types of casts also, including the S-cast, the parachute cast, and the mend cast.

Casting is the basic physical skill involved in fly fishing.  Its purpose is to place the fly exactly where you want it to be, just like any other skill it takes practice.  Accuracy and the delicacy of the presentation are very important when fly fishing. Mastering the basics of fly casting first will make it easier to move on to the more difficult casts.

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