Archives for 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Monday, September 18, 2017
Kerapu kertang
Kerapu kertang (Epinephelus lanceolatus) adalah ikan bertulang sejati (Osteichthyes) terbesar di terumbu karang dan merupakan salah satu ikan terpopuler di perairan Indonesia. Ikan ini juga menjadi emblem negara bagian Queensland,Australia. Habitat alaminya adalah perairan terumbu dengan kedalaman sampai 100 m (330 ft) di seluruh kawasan Indo-Pasifik dengan perkecualian Teluk Persia, selain itu ia juga dapat menasuki muara/estuarin[2].
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Diterbitkan 8:06 PM
Ikan Merah masak halia
Ikan merah masak halia.
Ikan (terpulang la ikan ape pun)
Halia (ikut nak byk mana pun)
1 biji bawang besar
6-7 ulas bawang putih
Sedikit lada hitam
Cadangan bahan2 utk side-kick..
Lada benggala, kobis bunga, hirisan halia & sedikit daun sup. (adjustable)
Cara2 menyediakan;
Ikan terlebih dahulu dilumur dgn kunyit serbuk & garam.
Digoreng (terpulang la nak garing, separuh garing etc)
Blend halia, bawang besar & bawang putih
Tumis hingga naik bau.
Kemudian campurkan sedikit air, kicap & sos tiram.
Bila dah mendidih masukkan lada hitam yg telah ditumbuk sedikit (kalau KURANG RAJIN, guna lada sulah je).
Bila kuah dah hampir masak (agak2 la), boleh la masukkan bahan2 sampingan ie. lada benggala, bunga kobis, hirisan halia & daun sup (etc).
Perasakan dengan garam (jika perlu sbb kicap & sos tiram dah masin)
Hidangkan ikan dlm bekas yg sesuai.
Last but not least, siram kuah tadi atas ikan.
Sedia utk di NGAP
Ia terdapat di lautan Mediterranean, lautan Atlantik, Lautan Pasifik dan persisiran India, berada antara kedalaman 20 dan 70 m (dengan maksima 360 m). Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning merupakan genus terbesar dalam keluarga Carangidae, dengan panjang maksima sekitar 200 cm.
Ikan Merah masak halia
Ikan merah masak halia.
Ikan (terpulang la ikan ape pun)
Halia (ikut nak byk mana pun)
1 biji bawang besar
6-7 ulas bawang putih
Sedikit lada hitam
Cadangan bahan2 utk side-kick..
Lada benggala, kobis bunga, hirisan halia & sedikit daun sup. (adjustable)
Cara2 menyediakan;
Ikan terlebih dahulu dilumur dgn kunyit serbuk & garam.
Digoreng (terpulang la nak garing, separuh garing etc)
Blend halia, bawang besar & bawang putih
Tumis hingga naik bau.
Kemudian campurkan sedikit air, kicap & sos tiram.
Bila dah mendidih masukkan lada hitam yg telah ditumbuk sedikit (kalau KURANG RAJIN, guna lada sulah je).
Bila kuah dah hampir masak (agak2 la), boleh la masukkan bahan2 sampingan ie. lada benggala, bunga kobis, hirisan halia & daun sup (etc).
Perasakan dengan garam (jika perlu sbb kicap & sos tiram dah masin)
Hidangkan ikan dlm bekas yg sesuai.
Last but not least, siram kuah tadi atas ikan.
Sedia utk di NGAP
Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning
Daripada Wikipedia, ensiklopedia bebas.
Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning atau nama saintifiknya Seriola dumerili, adalah sejenis spesies ikan laut dan banyak terdapat di pesisir pantai dalam famili Carangidae genus Seriola.[1]
Ia terdapat di lautan Mediterranean, lautan Atlantik, Lautan Pasifik dan persisiran India, berada antara kedalaman 20 dan 70 m (dengan maksima 360 m). Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning merupakan genus terbesar dalam keluarga Carangidae, dengan panjang maksima sekitar 200 cm.
Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning merupakan ikan pelagik pantas berenang dengan tingkah-laku menyerupai 'Seriola lalandi dorsalis' (Yellowtail amberjack/kingfish). Ia merupakan ikan keperakan dengan garis kuning pada bahagian sisi, dengan belang perang melintasi bahagian mata.
Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning merupakan pemangsa berkuasa yang memburu ikan dan haiwan bertulang belakang lain.
Ikan Aji-Aji Jalur Kuning amat digemari oleh nelayan sukan kerana ia merupakan ikan yang berkuasa dan agak besar, malah sehingga 70 kg. Ia juga merupakan ikan yang sedap dimakan. Ia juga merupakan ikan buruan besar dan amat tangkas perbandingan paun dengan paun.https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikan_Aji-Aji_Jalur_Kuning
Saturday, September 16, 2017
Diterbitkan 6:10 PM
Ikan Alu-alu atau barakuda ialah sejenis ikan dalam kelas Actinopterygii yang dikenali sebagai ikan yang menyeramkan dan berukuran tubuh besar, iaitu panjangnya berukuran enam kaki dan lebar satu kaki.[2] Tubuhnya panjang dan ditutupi olehsisik yang halus. Ikan ini dapat ditemukan di jaluran lautan tropika dan subtropika di seluruh dunia misalnya di kawasan lautan Ambalat. Alu-alu ialah salah satu jenis ikan daripada genus Sphyraena, satu-satunya genus dalam familiSphyraenidae.
Ikan Alu-alu atau barakuda ialah sejenis ikan dalam kelas Actinopterygii yang dikenali sebagai ikan yang menyeramkan dan berukuran tubuh besar, iaitu panjangnya berukuran enam kaki dan lebar satu kaki.[2] Tubuhnya panjang dan ditutupi olehsisik yang halus. Ikan ini dapat ditemukan di jaluran lautan tropika dan subtropika di seluruh dunia misalnya di kawasan lautan Ambalat. Alu-alu ialah salah satu jenis ikan daripada genus Sphyraena, satu-satunya genus dalam familiSphyraenidae.
Ada 27 spesies Alu-alu yang diketahui:
- Ikan Alu-alu Sirip Yu, Sphyraena acutipinnis Day, 1876.
- Ikan Alu-alu Guinea, Sphyraena afra Peters, 1844.
- Ikan Alu-alu Pasifik, Sphyraena argentea Girard, 1854.
- Ikan Alu-alu Besar, Ikan Alu-Alu Besar ("Sphyraena barracuda") (Walbaum, 1792).
- Sennet Utara, Sphyraena borealis DeKay, 1842.
- Ikan Alu-alu Bergaris Kuning, Sphyraena chrysotaenia Klunzinger, 1884.
- Ikan Alu-alu Mexico, Sphyraena ensis Jordan & Gilbert, 1882.
- Ikan Alu-alu Ekor Kuning, Sphyraena flavicauda Rüppell, 1838.
- Ikan Alu-alu Mata Besar, Sphyraena forsteri Cuvier, 1829.
- Ikan Alu-alu Guachanche, Sphyraena guachancho Cuvier, 1829.
- Ikan Alu-alu Heller, Sphyraena helleri Jenkins, 1901.
- Sphyraena iburiensis Doiuchi & Nakabo, 2005.
- Ikan Alu-alu Pelikan, Sphyraena idiastes Heller & Snodgrass, 1903.
- Sphyraena intermedia Pastore, 2009[3]
- Ikan Alu-alu Jepun, Sphyraena japonica Cuvier, 1829.
- Ikan Alu-Alu Belang, Sphyraena jello Cuvier, 1829.
- Ikan Alu-alu Lucas, Sphyraena lucasana Gill, 1863.
- Ikan Alu-alu Australia, Sphyraena novaehollandiae Günther, 1860.
- Alu-alu Obtuse, Sphyraena obtusata Cuvier, 1829.
- Sennet Selatan, Sphyraena picudilla Poey, 1860.
- Ikan Alu-alu Merah, Sphyraena pinguis Günther, 1874.
- Ikan Alu-alu Gigi Gergaji, Sphyraena putnamae Jordan & Seale, 1905.
- Ikan Alu-alu Sirip Hitam, Sphyraena qenie Klunzinger, 1870.
- Ikan Alu-alu Eropah, Sphyraena sphyraena (Linnaeus, 1758).
- Sphyraena tome Fowler, 1903.
- Ikan Alu-alu Mulut Kuning, Sphyraena viridensis Cuvier, 1829.
- Sphyraena waitii Ogilby, 1908.
- https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikan_Alu-alu
Friday, September 15, 2017
Diterbitkan 7:04 PM
Tenggiri atau nama Inggerisnya Spanish mackarel serta narrow-barred Spanish mackarel merupakan spesies ikan air masin yang cukup popular bukan sahaja di Malaysia malah di peringkat global. Spesies dengan nama binomialnya Scomberomorus commerson merupakan ikan mackarel dalam keluarga Scombridae. Spesies ini boleh ditemui dalam lapangan yang luas berpusat di Asia Tenggara, merangkumi barat dan pantai timur Afrika. Spesies ini juga bertaburan di Timur Tengah di utara Lautan Hindi sehingga ke barat daya Lautan Pasifik. Spesies S. commerson ini juga cenderung untuk berenang di kawasan pesisir dan juga laut lepas di kawasan yang mempunyai sistem terumbu karang atau berstruktur sedikit berbatu. Kawasan kedalaman air sekitar 10 hingga 50 meter merupakan habitat pilihan bagi spesies pemangsa ini.
Dalam perspektif morfologi, spesies yang turut dikenali dengan nama Spaniards (merujuk kepada nama Spanish mackarel) oleh pemancing global ini boleh dikenal pasti melalui bentuk badannya. Bentuk badannya berbentuk tipikal bagi ikan mackarel di mana badannya agak panjang dan berbentuk torpedo serta mempunyai garisan hitam berbentuk bar dari atas badan hingga ke bahagian abdomen. Warna badannya pula ialah hijau kebiruan dan bahagian abdomen lebih kepada tona warna putih keperakan. Spanish mackarel memiliki barisan gigi yang cukup kuat dan tajam. Gigi ini merupakan senjata utamanya selain daripada ketangkasan dan kekuatan renangannya.
Tenggiri atau nama Inggerisnya Spanish mackarel serta narrow-barred Spanish mackarel merupakan spesies ikan air masin yang cukup popular bukan sahaja di Malaysia malah di peringkat global. Spesies dengan nama binomialnya Scomberomorus commerson merupakan ikan mackarel dalam keluarga Scombridae. Spesies ini boleh ditemui dalam lapangan yang luas berpusat di Asia Tenggara, merangkumi barat dan pantai timur Afrika. Spesies ini juga bertaburan di Timur Tengah di utara Lautan Hindi sehingga ke barat daya Lautan Pasifik. Spesies S. commerson ini juga cenderung untuk berenang di kawasan pesisir dan juga laut lepas di kawasan yang mempunyai sistem terumbu karang atau berstruktur sedikit berbatu. Kawasan kedalaman air sekitar 10 hingga 50 meter merupakan habitat pilihan bagi spesies pemangsa ini.
Dalam perspektif morfologi, spesies yang turut dikenali dengan nama Spaniards (merujuk kepada nama Spanish mackarel) oleh pemancing global ini boleh dikenal pasti melalui bentuk badannya. Bentuk badannya berbentuk tipikal bagi ikan mackarel di mana badannya agak panjang dan berbentuk torpedo serta mempunyai garisan hitam berbentuk bar dari atas badan hingga ke bahagian abdomen. Warna badannya pula ialah hijau kebiruan dan bahagian abdomen lebih kepada tona warna putih keperakan. Spanish mackarel memiliki barisan gigi yang cukup kuat dan tajam. Gigi ini merupakan senjata utamanya selain daripada ketangkasan dan kekuatan renangannya.
Tenggiri atau spesies mackarel ini turut dikenali sebagai spesies ikan epipelagic serta spesies neritik yang merupakan spesies migrasi mengharungi garisan renangan yang panjang. Begitu pun terdapat juga kalangan ikan ini yang menjadi residen tetap kepada sesebuah lokasi. Bergantung kepada suhu sesuatu kawasan, musim mengawan bagi spesies ini agak bervariasi. Di Timur Afrika, lazimnya berlaku pada bulan Oktober hingga Julai, Disember hingga Februari di sekitar Madagascar dan Mei hingga Julai di kawasan Madras (Chako, Thomas & Pillay, 1968). Menurut dapatan daripada Lewis, Smith & Keaney, 1974, musim mengawan bagi mackarel di kepulauan Taiwan an New Guinea pula sekitar Julai hingga Disember.
Seperti kebanyakan spesies dalam genus ini, S. commerson menjadikan ikan yang lebih kecil sebagai diet utama. Ikan seperti sardin, spesies carangidae yang lebih kecil serta udang turut menjadi antara mangsa yang
Spaniards yang tangkas ini mampu membesar sehingga 50 kilogram dan mencapai panjang maksimum sekitar dua meter. Begitu pun saiz tipikal bagi tenggiri ialah sekitar lima hingga sepuluh kilogram di kebanyakan tempat dan jika terdapat saiz melebihi 25 kilogram, spesimen tersebut dianggap sebagai saiz mega. Kebiasaannya, tumbesar panjang badan bagi Spanish mackarel yang besar akan terhenti apabila berat mencapai sekitar 25 kilogram. Sebaliknya tumbesaran akan beralih kepada bahagian saiz badannya di mana akan menjadi lebih tebal dan tegap menyerupai spesies dog tooth tuna atau aya budak. Spesimen begini dikatakan memberikan kepuasan total kepada pemancing dalam pertarungan.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Diterbitkan 7:12 PM
Ikan Toman atau nama saintifiknya Channa micropeltes. adalah tergolong dalam ikan air tawar yang terdapat di negara-negara ASEAN termasuk di Malaysia.
Di Indonesia ikan ini banyak didapati di kawasan pertanian khususnya daerah Sumatera (kebun-kebun kelapa sawit), dan banyak diberitakan ikan ini suka menggigit manusia.
Di California US ia dikenali sebagai 'snakehead'.Dipercayai dibawa masuk oleh peniaga dari Asia dan dilepaskan ke dalam sungai secara haram https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikan_Toman
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Diterbitkan 5:49 PM
Belut (Anguilliformes) merupakan sejenis order ikan yang mempunyai badan panjang tanpa anggota tangan atau kaki. Terdapat 4 suborder, 19 famili, 110 genus dan 400 spesies belut. Kebanyakannya merupakan pemangsa.
Belut tinggal di dalam air, kebanyakannya di laut. Cuma famili Anguillidae tinggal di kawasan air tawar. Sesetengah belut suka bersempunyi di dasar laut (sehingga 4000 m bagi famili Synaphobranchidae), manakala yang lain rajin berenang.https://ms.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belut
Friday, September 8, 2017
Diterbitkan 8:20 PM
Ikan Pari
Ikan Pari atau nama saintifiknya Dasyatidae adalah sejenis keluarga ikan yang terdapat di seluruh dunia.
Ikan Pari adalah bersaudara dengan ikan jerung. Tetapi tidak seperti ikan jerung, yang merupakan pemangsa yang menggerunkan dengan rahang yang berkuasa, ikan pari jarang sekali menugut manusia dan mulutnya yang kecil bukanlah ancaman sama sekali.
Berhampiran pangkal ekor ikan pari terdapat taji sekitar 8-inch yang diselitupi dengan bahan yang sama yang membentuk sisik yu, yang dikenali sebagai dermis dentikle (dermal denticles). Hujung ini, yang menjadi keras dan tegang apabila ikan pari merasa terancam, berbentuk seperti pisau daging bergerigi dan memiliki bisa yang mengancam pemangsa.
Sebahagian besar racun itu sendiri adalah toksin berasaskan protein yang menyebabkan kesakitan pada mamalia dan boleh juga mengubah kadar degupan jantung dan pernafasan, mengikut pada Makmal Mote Marine.
Ikan pari jarang menyerang manusia, bagaimanapun sekiranya ia dipijak, ikan pari akan menggunakan tajinya sebagai satu bentuk mempertahankan diri," mengikut Nancy Passarelli dan Andrew Piercy bagi Florida Muzium Sejarah Semulajadi. "Walaupun ditikam oleh ekor ikan pari amat menyakitkan, ia adalah jarang menjadi ancaman kepada nyawa manusia."
Terdapat kira-kira 200 spesies ikan pari. Ia terdapat di kedua-duanya air tawar dan di lautan. Kebanyakannya tidak mempunyai keupayaan untuk menyengat.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Bass Fishing Facts You Need to Know
Diterbitkan 9:01 PM
Some people may not be aware of what bass fishing is. Bass fishing has an interesting story. It begun in the late 18th century and it still continues to develop until today. More and more people have been hooked up with bass fishing.
It is in fact one of the most popular hobbies of many people and in most countries. More and more countries have been adopting bass fishing.
It had probably in the beginning practiced in search for food from among the people in the south of the United States. From that day onwards, it has started getting numerous audiences of all ages and nations. Today, several countries such as Australia, Cuba, South Africa, United States and most citizens from Europe participate in this kind of event.
The year 1768 or 1770 was the birth of bass fishing sports. Onesimus Ustonson was the one who introduced his first multiplying reels to the fishing gurus and lovers of bass fishing. From then on, it was developed into bait caster.
William Shakespeare Jr. have materialized the construction of a level wind device and secured its patent on 1897.
Then after, the William J. Jamison Co introduced the excessively ornamented Shannon Twin Spinner in 1915 and was enhanced to create today's spinner baits.
In the year 1932, President Franklin D. Roosevelt has instituted the formation of Tennessee Valley Authority and has encouraged the construction and building of several dams. These dams were later used for culturing different varieties of bass fishes. If these dams were not built, the people would not have the place to go for bass fishing.
Five years later, the famous DuPont Company filed copyright for nylon fishing net, and this was later urbanized into nylon monofilament fishing line.
The year 1992 is one of the most glorious events in the history of bass fishing. Larry Nixon, the famous fisherman in the history of bass fishing won $1 M total earnings for this sport on this year.
A lot of fish species that are being caught in the bass fishing events include the following:
Micropterus punctatus - Kentucky Bass
Micropterus dolomieui - Smallmouth bass
Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) - Largemouth Bass
The other known classes of Micropterus are also wedged but in those times, one that remains most accepted is the Largemouth bass. On the other hand, it should be emphasized that some of the Australian Bass are different from the above North American Bass variants even though most share comparable features.
Possibly, the most vigorous success of Bass Fishing was in the 1950s. The popularity of the game during this age is the springboard to the development of modern fishing equipments from bass boats, rods, lines, lures and various fishing gears.
The contribution of bass fishing industry to the US economy records $50 to $70 Billion and the number continues to grow. Statistics show that the audience base of this sport is increasing and that more and more people are getting interested in it compared to tennis and golf.
Electronic gears during that time were also integrated and incorporated among the host of equipments bass fishers which were used at that same time. Reels of different types, which function in carrying and hoisting, were also created.
Now that you have a little understanding about bass fishing, you can already start your own bass fishing in your place. It is important to know the certain facts about bass fishing so that you will fully understand how it started.
In addition, you must know how to build up a victorious bass fishing pattern. Having a larger bass will really help you in your fishing trip.
Some may also go bass fishing at night if they want to so it is good that you be taught professional night bass fishing techniques.
Besides, the others may also be benefited by learning the professional winter bass fishing techniques for those who have experienced the four seasons.
These are only some of the many styles and tips on how to progress and enhance your bass fishing strategy. But if you do not have any plan at all, you may really get dissatisfied from time to time. But, it is optional that you first learn and read adequate information and guides about bass fishing.
It is in fact one of the most popular hobbies of many people and in most countries. More and more countries have been adopting bass fishing.
It had probably in the beginning practiced in search for food from among the people in the south of the United States. From that day onwards, it has started getting numerous audiences of all ages and nations. Today, several countries such as Australia, Cuba, South Africa, United States and most citizens from Europe participate in this kind of event.
The year 1768 or 1770 was the birth of bass fishing sports. Onesimus Ustonson was the one who introduced his first multiplying reels to the fishing gurus and lovers of bass fishing. From then on, it was developed into bait caster.
William Shakespeare Jr. have materialized the construction of a level wind device and secured its patent on 1897.
Then after, the William J. Jamison Co introduced the excessively ornamented Shannon Twin Spinner in 1915 and was enhanced to create today's spinner baits.
In the year 1932, President Franklin D. Roosevelt has instituted the formation of Tennessee Valley Authority and has encouraged the construction and building of several dams. These dams were later used for culturing different varieties of bass fishes. If these dams were not built, the people would not have the place to go for bass fishing.
Five years later, the famous DuPont Company filed copyright for nylon fishing net, and this was later urbanized into nylon monofilament fishing line.
The year 1992 is one of the most glorious events in the history of bass fishing. Larry Nixon, the famous fisherman in the history of bass fishing won $1 M total earnings for this sport on this year.
A lot of fish species that are being caught in the bass fishing events include the following:
Micropterus punctatus - Kentucky Bass
Micropterus dolomieui - Smallmouth bass
Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) - Largemouth Bass
The other known classes of Micropterus are also wedged but in those times, one that remains most accepted is the Largemouth bass. On the other hand, it should be emphasized that some of the Australian Bass are different from the above North American Bass variants even though most share comparable features.
Possibly, the most vigorous success of Bass Fishing was in the 1950s. The popularity of the game during this age is the springboard to the development of modern fishing equipments from bass boats, rods, lines, lures and various fishing gears.
The contribution of bass fishing industry to the US economy records $50 to $70 Billion and the number continues to grow. Statistics show that the audience base of this sport is increasing and that more and more people are getting interested in it compared to tennis and golf.
Electronic gears during that time were also integrated and incorporated among the host of equipments bass fishers which were used at that same time. Reels of different types, which function in carrying and hoisting, were also created.
Now that you have a little understanding about bass fishing, you can already start your own bass fishing in your place. It is important to know the certain facts about bass fishing so that you will fully understand how it started.
In addition, you must know how to build up a victorious bass fishing pattern. Having a larger bass will really help you in your fishing trip.
Some may also go bass fishing at night if they want to so it is good that you be taught professional night bass fishing techniques.
Besides, the others may also be benefited by learning the professional winter bass fishing techniques for those who have experienced the four seasons.
These are only some of the many styles and tips on how to progress and enhance your bass fishing strategy. But if you do not have any plan at all, you may really get dissatisfied from time to time. But, it is optional that you first learn and read adequate information and guides about bass fishing.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
The Fantastic Bass Fishing Experience in Central Florida
Diterbitkan 3:04 AM
When you go fishing from one place to the other
in the U. S. you will see many different types
of lakes and rivers. Each body of water has its
own endearing characteristic but they also have
a lot of things in common. And that is where the
lakes and rivers in Central Florida differ from
all the others lakes in the United States – it
has its own uniqueness.
It is popularly known that Central Florida is
famous for fantastic Bass fishing. They have the
best lakes in the entire Florida because they
have the finest largemouth bass any other lakes
could give.
Bass fishing in Central Florida is world class
throughout the year. The reproduction of
this fish occurs between December and April at
which time the bass will be at their heaviest.
Eight to ten pound trophy-class fish are
possible on any given day, with a chance at even
a larger bass.
You can also find in Central Florida the famous
Kissimmee Chain of Lakes where the finest
largemouth bass can be found.
Central Florida bass fishing is known world
wide. Avid fishermen from all over the world
take their vacations here in order to see and
catch their own world-class wall mount, a sure
pride of their collection.
Before you go on fishing for bass fishes
in Central Florida, you have first to consider
that fishes have different characteristics. And
they are as follows:
1. Shallow water fish or literal zone fish:
These fishes lives and survive in shallow water
near the shore line.
2. Of course when there are fishes in the
shallow, there are also fishes that live in deep
3. The last are the classes of gypsies. These
fish live in deep-water home but they van also
survive near the shore.
Now, if you are done categorizing to what
characteristic does the bass fish belong, start
the ultimate fishing.
But wait! You might be wondering where on
Central Florida you can get these bass fishes.
Here is a list of lakes where you can find the
finest and the best bass fishes in the whole
Central Florida.
• The Lake Tohopekiga or the Lake Toho -
the Florida’s trophy Largemouth fisheries are
found in Lake Tohopekaliga or "Lake Toho”. It is
actually the place where B.A.S.S is held. This
is also know as the Kissimee Chain of Lakes.
• The Lake Cypress
• And the Lake Kissimmee
Try to visit these lakes! And you will never
regret it.
While there are so many seasoned Bass fishers from Central Florida and some from out of state, there are also those who have little or no experience just yet but want to takes up the sport. It is necessary to know that it is not just about throwing a line in the water and wait. There are some necessary procedures and laws to follow.
The following are important guides for fishing
bass in Central Florida:
1. Be sure that the boats you are going to
use are fully equipped with all U.S. Coast Guard
safety equipment and cell phone for emergency
2. It is a must to consider the weather
condition. You should leave the water when a
storm comes or if there is lightning in the
3. You should start to fish early in the morning or in the evening because bass are active on cooler temperature.
4. Use artificial or live bait to trap the
bass. This is an effective technique because
bass are not aware of the bass fishers when they
are feeding.
5. Bring extra rods and reels. You might need it.
But if you feel like you want the guide services
to help you, you can just search for them at the
internet. Because they already have an advertisement regarding the services they offer.
Different bass fishing guide agencies will
assist you with your tour. It may charge you a certain amount. But it is an expense I am sure will be worth it. You will like the pleasure that bass fishing will give to you.
As a reminder do not forget to bring with you
your sunglasses and sunscreen because it might
get hot out there! But of course, do not forget to bring food. You don’t want an angry stomach on
your bass fishing trip, do you?
And best of all be sure you have your camera so,
you can take pictures as a memoirs of your
fantastic bass fishing in Central Florida as well as that whopping 15 pounder that you caught.
in the U. S. you will see many different types
of lakes and rivers. Each body of water has its
own endearing characteristic but they also have
a lot of things in common. And that is where the
lakes and rivers in Central Florida differ from
all the others lakes in the United States – it
has its own uniqueness.
It is popularly known that Central Florida is
famous for fantastic Bass fishing. They have the
best lakes in the entire Florida because they
have the finest largemouth bass any other lakes
could give.
Bass fishing in Central Florida is world class
throughout the year. The reproduction of
this fish occurs between December and April at
which time the bass will be at their heaviest.
Eight to ten pound trophy-class fish are
possible on any given day, with a chance at even
a larger bass.
You can also find in Central Florida the famous
Kissimmee Chain of Lakes where the finest
largemouth bass can be found.
Central Florida bass fishing is known world
wide. Avid fishermen from all over the world
take their vacations here in order to see and
catch their own world-class wall mount, a sure
pride of their collection.
Before you go on fishing for bass fishes
in Central Florida, you have first to consider
that fishes have different characteristics. And
they are as follows:
1. Shallow water fish or literal zone fish:
These fishes lives and survive in shallow water
near the shore line.
2. Of course when there are fishes in the
shallow, there are also fishes that live in deep
3. The last are the classes of gypsies. These
fish live in deep-water home but they van also
survive near the shore.
Now, if you are done categorizing to what
characteristic does the bass fish belong, start
the ultimate fishing.
But wait! You might be wondering where on
Central Florida you can get these bass fishes.
Here is a list of lakes where you can find the
finest and the best bass fishes in the whole
Central Florida.
• The Lake Tohopekiga or the Lake Toho -
the Florida’s trophy Largemouth fisheries are
found in Lake Tohopekaliga or "Lake Toho”. It is
actually the place where B.A.S.S is held. This
is also know as the Kissimee Chain of Lakes.
• The Lake Cypress
• And the Lake Kissimmee
Try to visit these lakes! And you will never
regret it.
While there are so many seasoned Bass fishers from Central Florida and some from out of state, there are also those who have little or no experience just yet but want to takes up the sport. It is necessary to know that it is not just about throwing a line in the water and wait. There are some necessary procedures and laws to follow.
The following are important guides for fishing
bass in Central Florida:
1. Be sure that the boats you are going to
use are fully equipped with all U.S. Coast Guard
safety equipment and cell phone for emergency
2. It is a must to consider the weather
condition. You should leave the water when a
storm comes or if there is lightning in the
3. You should start to fish early in the morning or in the evening because bass are active on cooler temperature.
4. Use artificial or live bait to trap the
bass. This is an effective technique because
bass are not aware of the bass fishers when they
are feeding.
5. Bring extra rods and reels. You might need it.
But if you feel like you want the guide services
to help you, you can just search for them at the
internet. Because they already have an advertisement regarding the services they offer.
Different bass fishing guide agencies will
assist you with your tour. It may charge you a certain amount. But it is an expense I am sure will be worth it. You will like the pleasure that bass fishing will give to you.
As a reminder do not forget to bring with you
your sunglasses and sunscreen because it might
get hot out there! But of course, do not forget to bring food. You don’t want an angry stomach on
your bass fishing trip, do you?
And best of all be sure you have your camera so,
you can take pictures as a memoirs of your
fantastic bass fishing in Central Florida as well as that whopping 15 pounder that you caught.
Monday, August 14, 2017
Some “Don’t Forgets” Before going into a Bass Fishing Charter
Diterbitkan 8:17 PM

Bass fishing may be fun and enjoyable while you’re your sitting beside the lake as you spend your spare time with your family and friends but if you want you may plan a charter for all of them and experience the thrill and excitement of watching a school of bass fish run after your baits.
Below is a list of the things that you should be reminded of when you plan to have a charter. See for yourself.
• You must have a fishing license so that you will be authorized to take or possess either saltwater or freshwater fish and have a chance to participate fishing games but you should be mindful that we are consistent with the state and federal regulations. Securing a fishing license also contribute in ensuring the future of fishing in the state where we have the activity.
• It is also advisable that we wear a soft soled shoe for our comfort. Boots, especially those that are intended for work, are big NO-NOs.
• Bring with you seasickness pills if you that it is needed. It is important that you pack up enough of it for the whole trip. You should make it sure that you are physically fit before going into a charter for you to enjoy every minute.
• Being on a charter means being exposed to the sun so you should not forget to have your sunglasses with you for protection.
• Coolers should also go with the trip. This is intended for the fishes that are going to get caught. It is one of the vital things that we should not fail to remember for the reason that it would help retain the freshness of the fish. You do not want to have a spoiled-looking fish right?
• Check the weather forecast of the day. You would surely want to go out if the sun is up right? But you should always bring with you rain gear for special purposes. You should always expect for a sudden change of condition.
Well, what else should you bring?
Food, of course. You will be out there in the middle of the sea or lake so you better bring enough food and beverage for all of you because, for sure, you do not want to eat raw fish or gulp the salty water when you get hungry and thirsty, right?
To add up, have your camera, video cam or the like so you will have something that would remind you of your trip anytime you want. Be sure that you have all of these things to have a really pleasurable trip while you are in the fly fishing charter.
There are a lot of bass fishing guides that could offer you great charters. You may check their websites for information or you may also ask some friends of where’s best, if they are also into bass fishing. Find a charter now and go with bass fishing, it is one way of comforting yourself and have precious time with your loved ones.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Discover Bass Fishing in Florida: An adventure for the Whole Family
Diterbitkan 7:13 PM
Bass fishing is one of America’s top pastimes. Many people indulge in this activity for their therapeutic wonders. Great relaxation and the exhilarating feeling of catching a big bass fish is its biggest drawing power. Many memorable times are experienced between friends and family on these bass fishing trips.
Not all states are blessed with having great places to go bass fishing. Residents of Florida though have a great reason to be happy because they are one of the states in America that do have many places to bass fish in. In fact, many of these lakes are transformed to wonderful bass fishing trip destinations.
Many of them have been developed, provided with lodging and rental establishments to cater to the needs of the bass fishers. Aside from that, there are also many interesting side trips you can take your family to. Florida bass fishing is an adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Southwest Florida has already acquired worldwide recognition for its exceptionally rich saltwater fishing, but its richer freshwater fishing could never be forgotten by anyone who has tried the bass fishing opportunities there.
Local residents are brought together by series and regular competitions organized by three very active freshwater clubs in Collier Country. There are also some open competitions that can be enjoyed by out of town fishermen. They can either compete or just plain watch the excitement going on.
Friendly tournaments are a great common focus of all of these clubs. Other fish species are never left unnoticed and untargeted, that makes Florida not just famous for bass fishing.
The state of Florida is blest with beautiful and rich lakes that are good for fresh water fishing. This could be enjoyed throughout its southwest regions; there are also ponds, canals and creeks in other places that have good number bass fish content.
There are also websites created to provide information and invitations for bass fish loving and catching aficionados to come, sample and prove that not all big fish are caught by professional fishermen.
These websites provide great details on what you will discover and experience in Florida when you go there. They center on the bass fishing aspect of the trip and also the other activities you can do while being there. They also would help you out plan your trip and set up an itinerary.
The resort owners and the local tourist boards create most of these websites. They provide great services as well as packages for either as small or large group. They will provide you with all the information you may ever need about bass fishing in Florida.
Guided tours are also offered and guides in bass fishing as well. For those just starting out in bass fishing, Florida has some of the best Bass fishermen to help you and teach you as well as share some of their experienced tips. They know all the best spots to go to and the best gears to use.
One of these places is Lake Kissimmee in Central Florida. Experience the thrill of fishing for giant lunker largemouth bass in this famous lake resort. They have comfortable lodgings as well as great rentals for anyone who wants to try to catch the “big one”. Aside from that, Lake Kissimmee is just a stone's throw away from Walt Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios, and the metropolitan Orlando area, this means that even the kids would enjoy the other aspects of this bass fishing trip in Florida. You will see and enjoy the perfect “real Florida” getaway adventure everyone would like to have in his or her lifetime.
Aside from the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, you can go to Stickmarsh/Farm 13, Blue Cypress, and Walk-in-Water any time for more bass fishing. The famous Indian River Lagoon offers fishing for Redfish, Snook, Trout, and Tarpon aside from bass fishing. You get a variety of catches.
So plan that bass fishing Florida trip now, visit the websites that can show you the highs of any trip done to Florida. You can just type in the keyword at any search engine and see for yourself how a weekend or a week of Florida Bass fishing could provide for you and your family.
Not all states are blessed with having great places to go bass fishing. Residents of Florida though have a great reason to be happy because they are one of the states in America that do have many places to bass fish in. In fact, many of these lakes are transformed to wonderful bass fishing trip destinations.
Many of them have been developed, provided with lodging and rental establishments to cater to the needs of the bass fishers. Aside from that, there are also many interesting side trips you can take your family to. Florida bass fishing is an adventure that will be remembered for a lifetime.
Southwest Florida has already acquired worldwide recognition for its exceptionally rich saltwater fishing, but its richer freshwater fishing could never be forgotten by anyone who has tried the bass fishing opportunities there.
Local residents are brought together by series and regular competitions organized by three very active freshwater clubs in Collier Country. There are also some open competitions that can be enjoyed by out of town fishermen. They can either compete or just plain watch the excitement going on.
Friendly tournaments are a great common focus of all of these clubs. Other fish species are never left unnoticed and untargeted, that makes Florida not just famous for bass fishing.
The state of Florida is blest with beautiful and rich lakes that are good for fresh water fishing. This could be enjoyed throughout its southwest regions; there are also ponds, canals and creeks in other places that have good number bass fish content.
There are also websites created to provide information and invitations for bass fish loving and catching aficionados to come, sample and prove that not all big fish are caught by professional fishermen.
These websites provide great details on what you will discover and experience in Florida when you go there. They center on the bass fishing aspect of the trip and also the other activities you can do while being there. They also would help you out plan your trip and set up an itinerary.
The resort owners and the local tourist boards create most of these websites. They provide great services as well as packages for either as small or large group. They will provide you with all the information you may ever need about bass fishing in Florida.
Guided tours are also offered and guides in bass fishing as well. For those just starting out in bass fishing, Florida has some of the best Bass fishermen to help you and teach you as well as share some of their experienced tips. They know all the best spots to go to and the best gears to use.
One of these places is Lake Kissimmee in Central Florida. Experience the thrill of fishing for giant lunker largemouth bass in this famous lake resort. They have comfortable lodgings as well as great rentals for anyone who wants to try to catch the “big one”. Aside from that, Lake Kissimmee is just a stone's throw away from Walt Disney World, Sea World, Universal Studios, and the metropolitan Orlando area, this means that even the kids would enjoy the other aspects of this bass fishing trip in Florida. You will see and enjoy the perfect “real Florida” getaway adventure everyone would like to have in his or her lifetime.
Aside from the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, you can go to Stickmarsh/Farm 13, Blue Cypress, and Walk-in-Water any time for more bass fishing. The famous Indian River Lagoon offers fishing for Redfish, Snook, Trout, and Tarpon aside from bass fishing. You get a variety of catches.
So plan that bass fishing Florida trip now, visit the websites that can show you the highs of any trip done to Florida. You can just type in the keyword at any search engine and see for yourself how a weekend or a week of Florida Bass fishing could provide for you and your family.
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Fly Fishing Gifts

One option is to get them a new rod and reel. This is going to be one of the more expensive options as reels can run anywhere from $200 to $1,000. Buying a rod can be a very personal decision for people who love fly fishing, so if you’re going to go this route with your gift, you’ll need to do your research.
You could purchase a gift certificate to your local sporting goods or fishing store. This is a great choice for the fly fisherman as then they can pick out what they want or need. While some people feel gift certificates are impersonal, they can be a very welcome gift to the fly fisher.
Consider getting a nice basket and filling it up with various fly fishing supplies. You can stock it with various flies, lines, and tools that your fly fisher can use during their fishing trips. If you’re not sure what types of flies and such to stock the basket with, just ask the clerk at the store, or simply go hog wild and pick out a nice variety.
There are other beautiful gifts you can get as well. People who love fly fishing have a natural love of the outdoors and everything “fishy”. The organization Trout Unlimited has a great selection of fly fishing gifts including mugs, glasses, shirts, and hats with fish pictures on them. This can be another great gift idea.
Fly fishing apparel is just as important to the fly fisherman as the equipment they need. Fly fishing requires waders, vests, and boots. A good fly fishing vest can make a very thoughtful gift. Most fly fishermen claim you can never have too much equipment. Even if your fly fisherman has a vest, a new one might be just the ticket for a good gift.
When giving a fly fishing gift, use your imagination. There are all sorts of great gift ideas that can please even the most experienced fly fisherman. Ask him or her what they are wishing for and then fill that wish. You have lots of options. When giving a gift, it’s the thought that counts, of course, but when you consider all that’s involved in the sport of fly fishing, you’re sure to find a gift that’s more than appreciated!
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Fly Fishing Gear
Diterbitkan 6:59 PM

Of course, you’ll need to have a variety of flies to use as bait for the fish. Flies are meant to mimic the look and movement of a fish’s natural food source. Some fish prefer different flies, and when you use what they are used to eating, your chances are better of landing a bite. Keep several different types of flies close at hand so you can choose the right fly for the specific fish you are angling for.
You will also need to have several different weights of lines so you can switch them out if you find yourself in waters with larger fish. Of course, your fly rod has a lot to do with what line to use, but if you have an 8 nwt rod and are finding some 10 pound fish, go ahead and switch to a 10 nwt line to increase your chances of winning a fight with that prize-winning trout.
Part of your fly fishing gear includes what you wear while fishing. You’ll need to have a good pair of waders so you can keep dry while going after your fish. Pick a pair of waders that will meet your fishing situation. Chest high waders are usually a good choice because they allow you to wade in all depths of water.
You will also need a fishing vest with lots of pockets that will hold your flies, line, and other pieces of gear. The pockets should fasten with Velcro so that you have easy access to what you need. You don’t want to be on the water and realize you need a different fly only to miss out on a passing school of fish because you were fumbling with your pockets.
A good pair of fishing pliers is almost a necessity. Many rivers and streams are exclusively catch and release water. That means that once you catch the fish, you need to let it go. This helps propagate the population and promote healthy fishing at all times. You will want an easy way to get the hook out of the fish’s mouth without causing harm to its body. Fishing pliers are designed to do just that.
Finally, your fly fishing gear should include a waterproof camera. If you are lucky enough to land a whopper, you’ll want to document it as part of your prize!
When you are amassing your fly fishing gear, things can eventually get out of hand. Many fly fishermen have an abundance of gear with the possibility that they might need something specific in a certain situation. That’s just fine, but the essentials that are listed above are a start!
Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Fly Fishing for Trout
Diterbitkan 4:02 AM

The best places for trout fishing, besides in Colorado, include North Carolina, Ontario, Northern California, and Washington. Trout prefer smooth, clear running streams and rivers that can be found in the mountains, so you’ll get some great scenery while you are fishing.
Rainbow trout can be wild and explosive fish to hook. Expect it to take some work when you land your rainbow when trying to reel it in. These fish have very colorful markings, and are a favorite food fish for many people.
Rainbows thrive in cool, clear streams and rivers. They prefer a water temperature ranging from 55 to 60 degrees. The best time to catch rainbows is in the spring and fall before spawning. They respond well to a variety of flies including spinners, streamers, and nymphs.
Brown trout don’t fight as hard as rainbows, but they are much more cunning than their cousins. They can be a challenge to hook in the first place, so use some patience if catching brown trout is your goal. They are timid fish who are very aware of their surroundings as well as any predators including you!
The ideal home for brown trout is a slow flowing stream containing lots of minnows. They like warmer water in the 60 – 70 degree range. For the larger fish, you will want to fish during darker light. They can be caught with dry flies, streamers, and stonefly nymphs
The brook trout has brilliant coloring and are smaller than their other trout relatives. They can be quite wild when hooked, so expect a bit of a fight with brook trout. They are not as plentiful as rainbows or browns, but they can be found. They prefer colder water from 40 to 50 degrees.
If you are lucky enough to hook a brook trout, you will be rewarded. The fish travel in schools, and once action begins, it can be overwhelming. In the summer, use a spinner and cast into shallow bottoms. You can also use bucktail on a sinking line to try and land one of these beauties.
Fly fishing for trout is an exciting experience for any fly fisherman. When you have a rainbow hooked and have to fight for your own leverage, the challenge can be enormous, but when you pull that baby out of the water, you will be satisfied with your performance. Seek them out and enjoy the experience of fly fishing for trout.
Saturday, July 22, 2017
Fly Fishing for Steelhead

There are numerous places you can go when fly fishing for steelhead. As we’ve already said, they are most plentiful in the Western United States. You can find plenty of steelhead in the rivers of Northern California, Oregon, and Washington state.
Steelhead are cousins of the rainbow trout and have a decidedly chrome-like coloring. They are amazingly acrobatic and can provide any fly fisherman with a fulfilling challenge when trying to catch them.
Most of the fly fishing techniques used to catch steelhead are based on those historically developed to catch Atlantic salmon. Flies are cast downstream from the angler on a floating or sinking line. The take, which can sometimes be quite violent, usually occurs towards the end of the swing. You can also use nymphing methods usually used by trout anglers.
Winter steelheads are often considered the “hard core” of fly fishers, sometimes enduring hours of repeated casting in cold water and freezing conditions for that one tug that can occur when you least expect it. Many fly fishers will spend a lot of time trying to land that prized steelhead only to be frustrated near the end.
The main thing to keep in mind when fishing for steelhead is to practice a lot of patience. For people who fly fish for steelhead regularly, the success of a day consists of one good hook. You will not see big numbers of catches like you will on trout rivers. Keep a positive attitude and watch what the fish are doing.
Most steelhead pockets are found downstream, but other anglers know this as well. Steelhead are most plentiful in the cold, winter months, but you can often find several other fly fishers trying to fish the same spot in hopes of landing their fish. As you can imagine, this is not especially good for the fish or the fisherman. Practice appropriate etiquette when on the river fly fishing for steelhead.
You will probably need a 9 foot single hand rod or a 12-15 foot double handed rod for best results. Line weights should range from 7 to 9. The best flies to use when trying to land a steelhead include the Wooly Bugger, the Conehead Zuddler, and the Black Bear Green Butt.
Fly fishing for steelhead can be an amazingly gratifying experience when you are patient and wise when it comes to the natural patterns of these fish. When you are able to land one, you will be surprised at how much fun it is to reel it in!
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Fly Fishing For Men And Women
Diterbitkan 1:13 AM

Interestingly, the first book on fly fishing ever published was written by a woman. Dame Juliana Berners published A Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an Angle in 1496. Berners is reported to have been a nun and noblewoman. Berners certainly must have tied and fished her own artificial flies. There are equally influential women involved in fly fishing today.
There is a growing market catering to fly fishing for women. Some outfitters are dedicated to teaching women to fly fish while other outfitters report that the number of women participating in fly fishing classes routinely outnumbers men. Fishing clubs for women are also becoming quite popular, particularly around popular fly fishing areas.
Fly fishing does not normally require a lot of physical strength. Fly fishing is far more about speed, finesse and style. Women actually do quite well at fly fishing.
The catch-and-release ethos so prevalent in fly fishing may be appealing to many women as well. While traditional fishing often closely resembled hunting trips with the objective being to bring home food, sport fishing activities like fly fishing often are more about the thrill of the catch. Photos and great memories are frequently the only thing brought home from fly fishing trips. The fish often stay right where they are. Many fly fishers even use barbless hooks now to make catch-and-release fishing even easier.
Fly fishing provides a great opportunity to get out in nature without having to kill anything. There are certainly women who fish to catch supper but many people, both men and women, enjoy fly fishing because of the opportunity it provides to get in touch with nature. Fly fishing is a very relaxing sport but also provides good exercise at the same time. The rhythm of the cast is soothing for many people. Fly fishing also provides opportunities to see a variety of wildlife and birdlife in their natural environment. The scenic backdrops around many fly fishing destinations are also simply incredible.
Fly fishing clubs and groups provide social networking opportunities and camaraderie. Men and women both enjoy these benefits. With the advent of specialty, women-only fishing clubs and groups many women are finding a home with fly fishing.
Manufacturers are also recognizing the significant increase in participation by women. Women can now buy waders that are actually designed for women - rather than relying on the closest mens size they can find. Fly fishing rods are also now being designed with women in mind. Womens fly rods are designed to be somewhat lighter and to have smaller handles. These improvements are good news for all women who enjoy the fly fishing sport.
Fly fishing is a great sport for everyone - men and women, adults and children. Everyone can enjoy a day out fly fishing.
Sunday, July 9, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Casting Kerapu 6.6Kg Pulau Tuba,Langkawi *Ofmer Drunken
Diterbitkan 6:51 PM
Lokasi : Batu Hampar,Pulau Tuba,Langkawi
Rekod Peribadi 6.6kg kerapu telah berjaya ditewaskan.
Lokasi : Batu Hampar,Pulau Tuba,Langkawi
Rekod Peribadi 6.6kg kerapu telah berjaya ditewaskan.
Friday, February 17, 2017
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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Fly Fishing for Largemouth Bass
Diterbitkan 11:21 PM

Generally, the warmer the water, the larger the bass will grow. For example, a four or five pound bass may be large for a northern lake, but warmer southern waters regularly produce 10 pounders and better. The temperature of the water is a key factor not only in fly fishing, but in all fishing. When fishing for bass it is an especially important factor.
The best fishing will take place just after the bass have spawned, which is going to vary according to the temperatures. For largemouth bass spawning takes place when the water temperatures reached the low to mid-60s. In Minnesota for example, a female bass may not deposit her eggs until mid-June, while in Florida the female bass may spawn as early as February.
The behavior of the largemouth bass is also influenced considerably by the top temperature of the water. On hot summer days, they usually feed during the early morning hours and then again during the last few hours of daylight, when the sun isn't as bright and the water temperature is cooler. Bass are generally found in areas of the water that have a lot of vegetation and cover. They spend a lot of time near the water's edge among the grasses, reeds, and other plants.
Many fly fishermen fishing for largemouth bass use bass bugs and poppers. Poppers were designed as a surface lure to be skipped across the top of the water in a series of quick retrieves. Other good fly patterns for largemouth bass or the Muddler Minnow and the Wooly Worm. There are some fly fishermen that prefer to use streamers and bucktail.
When fly fishing for bass the fly is worked differently than it is for trout. Poppers are worked not only for their appearance but also for their sound. Generally, when a fly is cast for bass it should be allowed to remain unmoving for a longer period of time then for trout. It is estimated that 60% of bass strikes are made on a still fly. Bass tend to inspect your fly for some time before making the decision whether to take it or not. It is important to remember while fly fishing, that the warmer the water, the longer it will take the bass to take a fly.
At times fly fishermen like to tease the bass with repeated casts over the area where they think he's holding. Teasing can sometimes be a very effective method in bringing a lazy fish up for a strike when nothing else seems to work
Fly fishing for largemouth bass can be a wonderful, exciting experience.
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